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Class 12 CBSE 12th Board 2017 : Physical Education

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Gajender Sharma
Delhi Public School (DPS) , Udaipur, Udaipur
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Time : 3 Hrs. (1) (2) (3) DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, UDAIPUR SESSION 2015-2016, PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION - I CLASS XII, SUBJECT PHYSICAL EDUCATION MM:70 Part - A Answer to question carrying 01 mark should be in approximately 10 20 words. Answer to question carrying 03 marks should be in approximately 30 50 words. Answer to question carrying 05 marks should be in approximately 75-100 words. Q1. Suggest any four ways through which women participation in sports across age group can be enhanced. (1) Q2. Explain the term Realistic in goal setting principles. (1) Q3. Enlist two objectives of Intramurals. (1) Q4. Enlist two sources for calcium and iron separately. (1) Q5. Explain correct sitting posture. (1) Q6. Your grandmother feels she has reduced her upper body flexibility and therefore she wants to test herself. Which test would you suggest for her? (1) Q7. Suggest any two Isometric exercises for shoulder region. (1) Q8. Explain the term hypertrophy of muscles. (1) Q9. Which team is playing the second match if number of teams are 7 in league method (Cyclic method). (1) Q10. In which conditions knock out tournaments are better than Round Robin ? (1) Q11. How do climatic conditions affect the performance of athletes? (1) Time : 3 Hrs. (1) (2) (3) Q1. Q2. Q3. Q4. Q5. Q6. Q7. Q8. Q9. Q10. Q11. Q12. Q13. Q14. DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, UDAIPUR SESSION 2015-2016, PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION - I CLASS XII, SUBJECT PHYSICAL EDUCATION MM:70 Part - A Answer to question carrying 01 mark should be in approximately 10 20 words. Answer to question carrying 03 marks should be in approximately 30 50 words. Answer to question carrying 05 marks should be in approximately 75-100 words. Suggest any four ways through which women participation in sports across age group can be enhanced. (1) Explain the term Realistic in goal setting principles. (1) Enlist two objectives of Intramurals. (1) Enlist two sources for calcium and iron separately. (1) Explain correct sitting posture. (1) Your grandmother feels she has reduced her upper body flexibility and therefore she wants to test herself. Which test would you suggest for her? (1) Suggest any two Isometric exercises for shoulder region. (1) Explain the term hypertrophy of muscles. (1) Which team is playing the second match if number of teams are 7 in league method (Cyclic method). (1) In which conditions knock out tournaments are better than Round Robin ? (1) How do climatic conditions affect the performance of athletes? (1) Differentiate between intramural and extramural competition in detail. (3) What is the major goal of a pre-competition meal? When should it be taken and why? (3) Write short note on the following: (3)

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