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CBSE XII Sample / Mock 2017 : HERITAGE CRAFT (with Marking Scheme / Solutions)

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Heritage Crafts (Code No - 070) Sample Question Paper 2017 Class XII 03:00 hours Maximum Marks: 70 General Instructions: The question paper consists of three sections A, B and C. All sections are compulsory. Separate instructions are given with each section and question wherever necessary. Read these instructions carefully and follow them. Section A Answer the following- 40 marks (1x5 = 5 marks) 1. Define Khadi. 2. Name two famous craft museums in India. 3. Who are Kumbkaar? 4. Name two famous personalities who played key role in development of traditional craft. 5. Name the state famous for Brocade Jamadani. Answer the following in not more than 80-100 words each. (3x4 = 12 marks) 6. Explain the idea of Gandhiji s self sufficient village. Do you think its possible to realize this idea in India today? Support your argument with examples. 7. How the valley of Kashmir economy flourished during 1600 to 1860? 8. How the craft person solves the problem of society while designing craft production. 9. What are the reasons the traditional crafts persons had to switch over from traditional raw materials to her materials? 1|Page

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