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CBSE XII Sample / Mock 2017 : THEATRE STUDIES (with Marking Scheme / Solutions)

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THEATRE STUDIES CLASS: XII SAMPLE PAPER 2016-17 General Instructions: General Instructions: 1. There are 24 questions in all. 2. All the questions are compulsory. 3. Question No. 1 to 5 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each. Answer to each of these should not exceed 15 words. 4. Question No. 6 to 10 are short answer questions carrying 2 marks each. Answer to each of these should not exceed 50 words. 5. Question No. 11 to 17 are long answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each of these should not exceed 75 words. 6. Question No. 18 to 21 are long answer questions carrying 4 marks each. Answer to each of these should not exceed 100 words. 7. Question No. 22 to 24 are essay type answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answer to each of these should not exceed 200 words 8. Differences must be tabulated with proper basis for distinction. Q.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. QUESTIONS What two essential qualities should be there in a good actor? Name the place where the audience and the performers interact? Which type of casting is a directors best insurance for a good production? Name any two playwrights who delved into Indian folk tradition to create plays to protest against colonialism, social injustice and westernization. Name the theatre training institute set up by the Sangeet Natak Akademi? The clothing and various costumes worn in a play have a very important role to fulfill , in the light of the above statement explain what should a costume designer aim at? Shakti is actively involved with theatre. He helps the theatre students to acquire confidence , speaking skills and sense timings by coaching them in the technique of acting , directing, playwright and history of theatre. Identify and explain the role played by Shakti. Recently a school organized a programme where they enacted creative curriculum based topics through theatre making it interesting, engaging and educative. The objectives of which branch of NSD have been achieved by this school? How it encourages students to become independent learners? What is meant by Fourth Wall Concept ? Theatre is a collective endeavor that requires documentation of the theatre research. Identify and explain the two phases of documentation. Explain the importance of the use of properties within the set? How does the make-up and costume enhances the value of the performance of the actors in a play on stage? Tr.St.Sample Paper/2016-17/Set 1 Marks 1 1 1 1 Unit/ Typo 3/R 3/H 3/A 1/R 1 2 1/U 3/U 2 2/H 2 1/A 2 2 1/R 2/A 3 3 3/U 3/EV Page 1

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