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CBSE Class 10 Exam 2024 : English Language & Literature : Periodic Test

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Sreelekha Sarcar
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UNIT TEST 2 (TERM- 1) SUBJECT: ENGLISH GRADE: X DATE: 18.8.23 Duration: 1 HOUR Max Marks: 30 General Instructions: 1. The Question Paper contains THREE Sections-READING, WRITING and LITERATURE. 2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part. SECTION A: READING SKILLS 1. 6 Marks Read the following text. 1. If one is looking for the origins of today s newspapers, then one should go back to the days of the Romans under Julius Caesar. He started issuing handwritten public announcements which he called Acta Diurna , which means Daily Events . Then in 59 BC, he began issuing Acta Senatus which contained a summary of the debates that were held in the Roman Senate. These were pasted on walls at places where it was convenient for the public to read. But some government officials were dissatisfied with this arrangement. They began objecting to the common people knowing too much about them and the news bulletins were discontinued. In the present day, such a measure would be termed as censorship, when people in power curb the power of the press. 2. Newspapers got a great boost thereafter, when in the 15th century in Europe, printing presses came into use. The printed word became one of the most important means of communication. Large news-sheets were produced and this was a precursor of today s newspaper. The first newspapers, as we think of them, began in the 16th century. But these papers contained mainly commercial news. It was only later that political news began appearing in newspapers and that too, when it had a direct impact on commerce and trade. Finally, the first newspaper as we know it, was published in 1609, in German, and was called the Avisa Relation oder Zeitung . 3. In India, although printing on cloth, using wooden blocks was much in use, the link between communication and printing remained unexplored. Urgent news was carried by relays of runners and in the time of the Mughals, news writers kept the emperor informed about conditions in distant parts of the country. The technology of printing began in India when some Portuguese Jesuit priests imported the first printing press in 1550, and used it to publish religious books and leaflets to spread Christianity among people. The first news SNS-GGN/Subject- English /Grade- 10/Unit Test 2/Term-1/2023-24 1

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