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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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Guys, long time no see!!!!
I'm happy to see that at least a few people are active here, sacrificing their holidays, talking, being happy, and what not... Well, the primary reason I'm typing this is to console everyone who missed watching the endgame on the first day, that is, today....

Firstly, like it would be foolish to spend so much money on a movie to watch it on the first day.... Like you can always watch it later, and *bonus* at a lower cost!!!

Secondly, don't worry. It's not like the movie will get removed from the theaters in a single day....

For those worrying about spoilers, I don't think no one will spoil anything if its not for the obvious part that many people will die and that Chotta Bheem will kill Thanos (Obvious, right? Ooops, spoiled it for ya). Aaaand I think you're clever enough to stay away from spoilers and leaked clips and not whine later that they should've watched it in the theater. Then, you can't blame anyone.... If you're stupid enough to do that, RIP.

And also, I know this... The suspense kills. You've been waiting for I dunno, maybe an year (Which of course, felt like an eternity), but can't you wait for a few more days? Why don't you enjoy the suspense than think of how the tickets just slipped through your fingers, just like you did the previous year? See? Simple!

Also, I'll be giving you company. I also missed the tickets, an I'm enjoying the suspense, unlike my dear friend Rikhil, who is seriously sad about missing the tickets. Don't worry, bud!

Aditya, Signing off. 

asked by Mr. Mathematics (aditya_bandaru) 5 years ago

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