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ICSE − Q & A

Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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Yooo , everyone!! How're you all doing?? Don't reply like everyone, give a genuine reply to this question. xD So, boards are coming nearer and nearer as the days are passing and this might be a source of tension to some and may be some are really confident.
Let me make some things clear today. If you don't know me, then I'm (read my name below this post. xD), a 2k18 ICSEian. I've been through this time and I really don't want the 2k19 batch to commit the same blunders as I did in my time. Here, I'm trying to share some points for doing well in the boards..

1) You will surely be really nervous some days before your first exam, thinking about how you'll do, how'll be the environment in the exam hall and so on...but friends, it won't last for long, if you don't have any tension related to your preparations, you'll get adjusted to the environment in the examination hall in one or two days.

2) If you aren't confident of your preparations, then, study hard now and most important---> DON'T BE CARELESS THE DAY BEFORE YOUR EXAM, DO REVISE IN THE BEST MANNER POSSIBLE. STUDYING THE DAY BEFORE THE EXAM CAN WORK WONDERS. I didn't revise properly before my maths exam and couldn't do that well enough. 

If you're well equipped with the concepts, and have got the exam temperament required(which, surely is attained by practicing and giving more and more tests in an exam like environment), luck will favour you. There are many who are studying but the extraordinary will emerge as the winner. Don't get hyper excited on finding the paper easy, maintain your calmness and composure. These all have been experienced by me, so I'm sharing my experience.

4) I had watched the full movie of Merchant Of Venice, for my exam, the same morning!! Didn't sleep that night! You can also watch the movie but do take proper rest unlike me. A movie is better retained by mind than the text, I think.

5) My most focussed point:

I believe those ICSE days were the golden days of my life, I received a next level positivity during this time, last year. MISS U DAYS!!

If anyone of you want some tips regarding preparation, whatsapp me at:
9568004561, if you think I'm worthy enough. I'll try my best to respond.

Thanks and wish all of u a HAPPY PREPARATION!! Ba-bye!!
asked by Aayush Joshi (aayushjoshi) 5 years ago

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