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ICSE − Q & A

Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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Hey, guys!! I'm missing you all a lot!! So lively were those days when we used to ask and answer all types of questions!! Such a beautiful place this was when you all were here!! Now, this place has turned from a fertile patch of land to a barren one!! Like a flooded river to a dried one!! Why this dreariness?? You all have got internet connecion, right?? You all have got a phone, laptop or something like that right?? The respaper admins haven't blocked yall,right?? You can access respaper like fb, whatsapp, insta or twitter, right?? All of us are posting messages like 'miss you all', 'miss this place',bla bla bla. You all are acting like you can't access respaper. Who's barred you from doing that?? You people are behaving like a prisoner, who has the key of his cell's lock and is in an unguarded, unlocked police station, from where, he can easily escape and wants to escape but is just sitting inside, yearning to go outside.What an irony!!! Make this place lively, it has given us what we couldn't have got easily from any other source for free. It has given us friends from all over the country, it has enabled us to clear our doubts whenever we had any. Aren't you all indebted to such a site?? Rather several of you might be engaged in other social sites, which gave you friends,which might have distracted many of you, which are not at all comparable to this site, which gave us all knowledge,practice papers for free, which usually people buy from booksellers, spending money. So, guys, I'm requesting you all to not to post such emotional talks. Instead of making whatsapp groups, we could've made groups here. This site provides everything. Salute to the makers of respaper.
asked by Aayush Joshi (aayushjoshi) 6 years ago

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I miss the old res papers and the friends you could make here.
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Hlooo..itzz been longgg...ICSE 2018 batch anybody??
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asked by Nidhi Mohunta (samairamohunta) 1 year ago
A body of mass 0.2 kg falls from a height of 10 m to a height of 6 m above the ground. Find the loss in potential energy taking place in the body. Let g = 10 m/s².
asked by ICSE (icse) 1 year ago

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