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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Biology (Beacon High School, Mumbai)

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BEACON HIGH BEACON HIGH Biology Pre - Prelims MM: 80 Grade: Xx Time: 2 Hrs Date:30h November,2022 Answers to this Paper must be written on You will not be allowed to write This time is to be spent in The time the paper provided separately. during the first 15 minutes. reading the question paper. given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for wnting the answers. Attempt all questions from from Section B. Section A and any four questions The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [}. SECTIONA (Attempt all questions from this Section.) Question 1 from the Choose the correct answers to the questions answer correct only.) question, Write the i) The phytohormone, a) given options. (Do not copy the [15) causes suppression of senescence. Gibberellins b) Cytokinins c) Ethylene d) Abscisic Acid (ii) disconnected When the vas deferens of a man i surgically a) Semen will be without sperms without nuclei b) Sperms in the semen will be or removed c) Spermatogenesis will not take place non-motile d) Sperms in the semen will be (ii) Neurolemma is the axon a) A layer of fatty substance surrounding b) The cell membrane around the nerve cell c) The connective tissue around a nerve tract d) A thin layer of specialized cells around the myelin sheath the aperture? auriculo-ventricular (iv) located at the Which valve is right a) Semilunar valve b) Tricuspid valve c) Bicuspid valve d) Auricle valve (v) Which section the longitudinal is the cone shaped tissues in of kidneys? (a) Renal calculi (b) Renal pyramids (c) Renal pelvis (d) Renal vein (VI) Function of hormone Glucagon is: within cells (a) Accelerates protein synthesis into glucose (b) Accelerates the conversion of glycogen into glucose (c) Decreases the conversion of glycogen acid. lactic from formation (d) Slows down glucose (vii) Type of white blood cell which produces antibodies on exposure to specific antigen: (a) Eosinophil (b) Monocyte (c) Lymphocyte (d) Neutrophil (vi) The condition where urea accumulates in blood is (a) Gout (b) Glycosuria (c) Uremia (d) Acidosis (ix) Water will be absorbed bythe root hairs when (a) Concentration of salts in the soil is high (b) Concentration of solutes in the cell sap is high (c) The plant is respiring rapidly (d) They are separated (x) from the soil by a semipermeable membrane Rh factor is the antigen found on which of these cells? (a) WBC (b) Platelet (c) RBC (d) Osteocytes a Rod blood cells have a solute concentration of around 0.9%. When the cclls are immersed in 1% salt solution the following happcns: (a) The cells will swell but not burst (xi) (b) The cells will shrink (c) The cells will remain unaffected (d) The cells will burst When a plant is girdlod: (a) The root dies first (b) The shoot dies first (Nin) (c) The root and shoot die simultaneously (d) Neither the shoot (xii) nor the root will die. The cell cycle consists of. (a) A dividing phase called interphase (b) A non-dividing phase called interphase (c) A non-dividing phase called mitosis d) A dividing phase called synthesis phase (xiv) Ovulation occurs (a) At the end of menstrual flow (b) At the end of menstrual cycle (c) In the mid of menstrual cycle (d) at the beginning ofthe beginning of menstrual cycle The dorsal root ganglion of the spinal cord contains cell bodies of_ (xv) (a) Motor neuron (b) Sensory neuron (c) Associated neuron (d) Sensory and motor neuron Question 2: Name the following: Statistical study ofhuman population. substance inside the chloroplasts. b Colourless ground in the xylem vessels. c) The force which pushes sap white blood cells. Abnormal decrease in the number of a) d) e) The cell formed by the union of two gametes. incorrect. Rewrite the correct given below are underlined statements by changing the All the statements (i) a) The protective sac pericardium. words only. which develops around the 51 developing embryo is called the b) c) Chromosomes which are not sex DNA structure was worked d) Root hair are the c)Every genc has (ii) chromosomes arc called allosomes by Lamarck. cxtensions of the cndodermal cclls of the Iwo altcrnative forms called chromatids Pick the odd term from the the rest beong: a) out folowing terms and state the root calegory to which 5 Transpiration. Photosynt hesis, Phagocytosis. Guttation b)Typhoid. Hacmophilia, Albinism. Colour blindness Oxytocin. Insulin. Prolactin, Vasopressin Myopia. Cataract. Hypcrmctropia. Squint, Cretinism. Eosinophils, c) d) c) (iv) Lymphocytes. Neutrophils, Basophils State the exact a b. location and function of the following: Guard cells Papillary muscles Blind spot d. e. Seminal vesicle Spleen Match the items in Column'A with those which B'. Rewrite the as matching pairs shown in the () are most example: Sr. no 1. Column A Pituitary gland Sulphur dioxide Clotting of blood Euro norms Birth rate appropriate in Column Column B a. Testosterone b. Magnesium C. Global warming d. Calcium e. Acid rain f. Growth hormone g. Vehicular standards h. Natality i. Mortality SECTION - B (Attempt any from this section) four qustions Question 3 (1) following which lead to the Name the hormones 21 condition: (a) Hypoglycemia (b) Adrenal Virilism (2) Cerebrum difference between. Write the and spinal cord (arrangement of gray and white matter) 3) Explain the (4) When term: a person Plasmolysis cinema hall after the comes out ofa dazzling effect for some noon suitable period. Explain giving of the a (5) Given below is part human ear. a show, he experiences 2 reasons. Study and answer the questions that follow: a) Give the collective term Stapes. for Malleus, Incus and A and C. b) Name the parts labelled functions of the parts c) State the B Question 4 (1) State two reasons for population explosion (2) Expand the abbreviation: (3) (4) X linked diseases are IAA rain the effects of acid What are 2 in India on plants and aquatic more common 2 animals. in males than in females. 2 germinating stem of some below represents the growth of a (5) The diagram given C was covered with an aluminum foil whereas D was seeds A-E. The stem covered with a ring of metal film. The stock ofE was clear a plastic covered with that follow: and answer the questions Study the diagram () Name the type of tropism shown above (n) Explain why the stem of D shows movement but C does not. (in) Name the homone for the bending of the stem scen in A. D and E responsible (iv) Name the hommone only by the roots and which gts distributod to theproducod acrial parts of the plant through the Aylem. 00 BCD Question 5 (1) Define 2) : Polymerisation Explain why salt is added to pickles. 12 3) Write the difference between. Homozygous and heterozygous (explanation) |2 4) State any two 5) objectives of 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan'. Study the diagram given below and answer the ) Name the parts labeled C and E. ii) Why is the structure labelled D found in E? (iii) Name the surgical procedure shown above and similar procedure carried out in 12 questions that follow: name a females. Question 6 (1) State Mendel's law (2) Write the difference (3) Draw a neat of Dominance. between. Lubb and and labelled diagram 21 dup (cause) of the structure of human sperm. 2 13 (4) In a garden pea plant, green coloured pea pod (GG) is dominant over colour pea pod (gg). ) () yellow 3 generationifa homozygous ycllow pea pods? is crossed with a plant bearing when two plant bearing green pea pods ratio of the F2 generation What is the genotypic and phenotypic What is the genotypc of the FI plants of the Fl generation are crossed? and state the scientific name of the pea plant ii) Give rcasons why Mendel chose this plant. two Question 7 and between. Implantation Write the difference fertilization (21 (site) (1) abbreviation: DDT breathe. but does not (2) Expandthe human embryo respires grown The fuly (3) a particular stage during is a diagram representing (4) Given below in an animal cell. 2 mitotic cell division answer. and give a reason to support your i) Identify the above stage that forms the 'aster'. (ii) Name the cell organelle 2 and3. labelled 1, (ii) Name the parts indicate of the stage that follows and (iv) Draw a simple diagramtaken the stage. Name place in this stage. two changes that have Question 8 (1) Define : mutation (2) Renal cortex and renal medulla Write the difference between (3) (parts of nephron present) What is thigmotropism? Name a plant which exhibits it. circulation and systemic (4) Explain pulmonary human being (2 (2 circulation ofblood in 2 () Study the diagram given below and answer the questions a 31 follow: Strong sugar soluion Thistde funnel Tap water -Cellophane i) Name the process indicated in this figure. after a few hours ? the thistle funnel (m) What difference would you observe in water? also contains pure (v) What will happenifthe thistle funnel instead () Name any other substance that can be used in the above experiment ? *********************** of cellophane paper

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