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Class 12 IIT JEE 2018 : Chemistry Allen

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Minty Badoni
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Mumbai
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INORGANIC CHEMISTRY TARGET : JEE (ADVANCED) 2014 TEST SYLLABUS Date : 16.04.2014 TEST : PART TEST-1 (PT-1) Course : VIJETA (JPAD) & VIJAY (JRAD) Date : 14-04-2014 Syllabus : Inorganic Nomenclature, Periodic table, Chemical Bonding, DPP No. : 02 Coordination compound. This DPP & CT-1 is to be discussed (15-04-2014) DPP No. # 02 (JEE-ADVANCED) Total Marks : 169 Max. Time : 118 min. Single correct Objective (' 1' negative marking) Q.1 to Q.15 (3 marks, 2 min.) [45, 30] One or more correct objective ( no negative marking) Q.16 to Q.20 (4 marks, 2 min.) [20, 10] Single digit integer type (' 1' negative marking) Q.21 to Q.25 (4 marks, 3 min.) [20, 15] Double digit integer type (no negative marking) Q.26 to Q.29 (4 marks, 3 min.) [16, 12] Assertion and Reason (' 1' negative marking) Q.30 to Q.32 (3 marks, 3 min.) [09, 09] Comprehension (' 1' negative marking) Q.33 to Q.41 (3 marks, 2 min.) [27, 18] Match the Following (no negative marking) Q.42 to Q.45 (8 marks, 6 min.) [32, 24] 1. During the complete combustion of ethene C2H4, what change in hybridisation does the carbon atom undergo ? (A) sp3 to sp (B) sp3 to sp2 (C) sp2 to sp (D) sp2 to sp3 2. Which of the following substances does not exhibit H-bonding with water ? (A) CH3CH2OH (B) (C) CH3 CH2 CH3 (D) N(CH3)3 3. In which of the following pairs, the number of lone pair(s) and molecular geometry is same ? (A) TeCl4, PCl4+ (B) CIF3, PCl3 (C) SiCl4, BF4 (D) BrF5, XeF5 4. In which of the following, the -bonds can lie necessarily in same plane ? (A) Cl C C Cl 5. (B) O = C = O (C) (D) N2 What is the maximum number of electrons which can be accommodated in an atom in which the highest principal quantum number is 4 ? (A) 10 6. (B) 18 The ligand N(CH2CH2NH2)3 is : (A) tridentate (B) tetradentate (C) 36 (D) 54 (C) didentate (D) pentadentate Page No # 1

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