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CBSE XII Sample / Mock 2012 : HOME SCIENCE

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Sample question Paper ( 2012) HOME SCIENCE (Code: 064 ) CLASS XII MM:70 1. Time :3 Hrs. Name the standard mark given for chocolate biscuits and turmeric powder. 2. What is the role of gestures in the language development of a child? [1] [1] 3. Height of one year old Raghu is 70 cm. State his possible height when he will be two and three years old. [1] 4. Why is friction method not used for washing silks? [1] 5. Indicate the age at which a child starts standing with support. Give one other motor ability of this stage. [1] 6. Apart from unhygienic conditions ,under what two other conditions did PFA declare the carrot burfi sold in the village fair as adulterated. [1] 7. Define incubation period in your own words. [1] 8. Identify two signs each of social and cognitive development in a one year old child. [2] 9. Compare the substitute care given inside and outside the home? [2] 10. What points would you look for while evaluating the safety features of a cr che? [2] 11. Geeta has given her class 12th board exams. She wants to become a dietetican. Guide her to pursue her goal and name any two agencies where she can get employed? [2] 12.Convince the women from a village to visit the nearby ICDS centre with at least four reasons. [2]

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Additional Info : CBSE Class XII Board Solved Sample / Mock Question Paper 2012 Home Science with Answers
Tags : CBSE Board 2012, Specimen Question Paper Home Science, solved sample mock guess question paper, cbse class XII syllabus, cbse class 12 previous years model papers, cbse, cbse papers, cbse sample papers, cbse books, portal for cbse india, cbse question bank, central board of secondary education, cbse question papers with answers, prelims preliminary exams, pre board exam papers, cbse model test papers, solved board question papers of cbse last year, previous years solved question papers, free online cbse solved question paper, cbse syllabus, india cbse board sample questions papers, last 10 years cbse papers, cbse question papers 2017, cbse guess sample questions papers, cbse important questions, specimen / mock papers 2018.  

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