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CBSE Class 11 Pre Board 2019 : Economics (St Xavier's Sr. Sec. School, Delhi)

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Annual Examination in ECONOMICS Std. 11 16-2-2019 Time : 3 hrs. Max. Marks : 80 General Instructions: i) Questions 1-4 and 13-16 are very short answer questions of 1 mark each. Answer them in one sentence each/write the correct option on your answer sheet. ii) Questions 5-6 and 17-18 are short answer questions of 3 marks each. Answer them in a maximum of 60 words each. iii) Questions 7-9 and 19-21 are short answer questions of 4 marks each. Answer them in a maximum of 70 words each. iv) Questions 10-12 and 22-24 are long answer questions of 6 marks each. Answer them in a maximum of 100 words each. v) Word limits do not apply to numericals. Section - A : Introductory Microeconomics 1. What is the reason behind the concave shape of PPC? (OR) When will the PPC be a downward sloping straight line? 2. Change in quantity supplied refers to a) An upward or downward shift of supply curve. b) An upward shift of supply curve. c) An upward or downward movement along the supply curve. d) A downward movement along the supply curve. 3. When average product falls, what is the relation between MP and AP? (OR) When total product falls, what happens to marginal product? 4. Suppose total revenue is increasing at a constant rate as more and more units are sold, then marginal revenue would be a) Greater than average revenue b) Equal to average revenue c) Less than average revenue d) Rising 5. Distinguish between expansion and increase in demand. Use diagram (OR) Distinguish between contraction and decrease in demand. Use diagram. 6. Draw a PPC and show the following situations on the diagram. Give reasons. a) Full employment of resources b) Under utilization of resources c) Growth of resources 7. The equilibrium price of food grains is very high. Suggest a price control that can be used by the government to help the poor consumers. Use diagram and explain the consequences of such a price control. (OR) The equilibrium price of sugar is very low. Suggest a price control that can be used by the government to help the producers. Use diagram and explain the consequences of such a price control. 8. A consumer buys 20 units of a good at a price of Rs 10 per unit and when the price falls to Rs 8 per unit, he buys 4 units more. Calculate the price elasticity of demand and comment on the likely shape of the demand curve based on the value of elasticity. Std. 11 -2- ECONOMICS

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