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CBSE Class 11 Pre Board 2020 : Economics (Delhi Public School (DPS), Jammu)

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DELHI PUBLI SCHOOL, JAMMU ECONOMICS ASSIGNMENT SESSION-2019-20 CLASS-XI Q1. Explain the characteristics of good classification. Q2. Explain the methods of sampling. Q3. What are the limitations of statistics? Q4. Explain the published sources of secondary data. Q5. Write a short note on the followinga) NSSO b) Census of India Q6. Differentiate between direct personal investigation and indirect oral investigation. Q7. Explain the characteristics of statistics as a plural sense. Q8. What are the qualities of good questionnaire? Q9. Differentiate between census and sample methods. Q10. What are essentials of a good diagram? Q11. Find the median of the data: X f 160 5 150 8 152 6 161 3 156 7 Q12. If the median of the following frequency distribution is 46, fins the missing frequencies, f1 and f2. Variable Frequency 10-20 12 20-30 30 30-40 fi 40-50 65 50-60 F2 60-70 25 70-80 18 Total 229 Q13. Calculate mode by grouping method. Class Interval Frequency 0-8 8-16 16-24 24-32 32-40 40-48 8 7 16 24 15 7 Q14. Calculate the mean deviation from tje mean for the following weight distribution: Weight(in g) 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25

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