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UFBA Vestibular de 2005 - PROVAS 2ª FASE - Língua estrangeira

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L ngua Estrangeira Ingl s QUEST ES de 01 a 06 LEIA CUIDADOSAMENTE O ENUNCIADO DE CADA QUEST O, FORMULE SUAS RESPOSTAS COM OBJETIVIDADE E CORRE O DE LINGUAGEM E, EM SEGUIDA, TRANSCREVA COMPLETAMENTE CADA UMA NA FOLHA DE RESPOSTAS. INSTRU ES: Responda s quest es, em PORTUGU S, com caneta de tinta AZUL ou PRETA, de forma clara e leg vel. Entretanto, haver uma quest o envolvendo constru o e/ou transforma o de frases em ingl s. Caso utilize letra de imprensa, destaque as iniciais mai sculas. O rascunho deve ser feito no espa o reservado junto das quest es. Na Folha de Respostas, identifique a numera o das quest es e utilize APENAS o espa o correspondente a cada uma. Ser atribu da pontua o ZERO quest o cuja resposta n o se atenha situa o ou ao tema proposto; esteja escrita a l pis, ainda que parcialmente; apresente texto incompreens vel ou letra ileg vel. Ser ANULADA a prova que n o seja respondida na respectiva Folha de Respostas; esteja assinada fora do local apropriado; possibilite a identifica o do candidato. QUEST ES de 01 a 04 Texto I AFFIRMATIVE ACTION DEBATE FORCES BRAZIL TO TAKE A LOOK IN THE MIRROR 5 10 15 With more blacks than any country outside of Africa on a continent where few of its neighbors have a black population of any significant size Brazil is divided over new government policies to begin closing the yawning gap* between rich and poor by establishing rigid quotas for college admissions, contracts and jobs. But in this blended population of 180 million, where virtually everyone claims an ancestor who is either much lighter or much darker, Brazilians are struggling to answer a question that is central to affirmative action: Who, and what, is black? Among Brazil s largest and most prestigious colleges, the State University of Rio is the country s first public institution to implement affirmative action. Virtually overnight it has doubled and in some cases tripled the enrollment of black and mixed-race students in elite professional schools such as medicine, law and engineering. Gabriella Fracescutti, 19, has filed one of nearly 300 lawsuits against the State University because of its quota policy. She has dreamed of being a surgeon since she was a high school freshman I like blood, she says sheepishly and studied during her entire senior year for the vestibular, the national college entrance exam. She did very well, scoring 82.5 percent, better than half the students admitted ahead of her. But her application was rejected, essentially because she is neither black nor poor. I just don t understand how you can justify someone with a lower grade getting into the school, and turning me down. Why, because I have blond hair? said Fracescutti, UFBA 2005 - 2 fase - L ngua Estrangeira - 5

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