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International Journal of Engineering and Management Research, Vol. 2, Issue-1, Jan 2012 ISSN No.: 2250-0758 Pages: 9-13 Management and Evaluation of Road Traffic System Using Fuzzy Logic H. S. Shukla1, Jitesh P. Tripathi*2, U. P. Singh3 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, DDU Gorakhpur University, INDIA. 3 Department of Applied Science, Ambalika Institute of Management Technology Lucknow, INDIA. * Corresponding Author: e-mail:, Mobile +91-9453477657 1,2 ABSTRACT Traffic congestion continues to be one of the major problems in various transportation systems. The ever increasing demand for mobility in urban centers has resulted in increased traffic congestion and a multitude of problems associated with it. Peoples are especially concerned about those areas of the city which are regularly congested because these areas could magnify the impact area and the duration of congestion. In this paper, urban transportation efficiency, factors affecting, frame work of evaluation and mathematical approaches to solve and interpret during Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) process are analyzed. The importance of different criteria and factors under each of criteria can be also determined by using very popular approach AHP (Analytic Hierarchal Process) [1]. Keywords congestion. AHP, Fuzzy logic, MCDM, Traffic I. INTRODUCTION In the context of growing urbanization process, urban transportation plays important role for every cities in the developed as well as developing countries. Among the many global issue of the present world such as, economic growth, sustainable development, world environmental conditions etc. are very much related to the transportation. As the transport sector occupies significant portion in the national economy, it should be analyzed and assessed before formulation of any short term or long term planning goals. In the paper, urban transportation efficiency, factor affecting, evaluation frame-work and mathematical approaches to solve and interpret during decision making process are studied. Relative importance of different criteria and factors under each of criteria can be determined by using very popular approach Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) . In this paper the relative importance weight of factors affecting the urban transportation efficiency under different hierarchal structure is determined by using AHP. After the determination of weight of each weight, Fuzzy Logic method based on MAT LAB environment is used for the determination of urban transportation efficiency[2][3]. II. DEFINITION AND FORMULATION OF PROBLEM Before formulation of a problem to a system, it is necessary to understand the basic definitions and the factors affecting the system. Some basic definitions of road traffic system and the factors affecting are described as following [4][5]. II. (a) Definition Of Urban Transportation System Hierarchy And Efficiency: A system may be defined as the combination of interdependent and interrelated components that form a complex and unified whole, intended to serve some purpose trough the performance of its interacting parts. System hierarchy provides order and function to the operation the individual component. Functionally, urban transportation system is just one of many systems that allow urban areas to exist. 9

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