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Q & A − Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Kunnumpuram, Thiruvanathapuram

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asked by Sai S Kalyan (ved0_ssk_respaper_pongala) 7 years ago

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1.His greatest love is travelling(begin : no)
2. "Gentlemen",he adrressed us,"I will not tell you that you must not smoke but that you better not smoke because smoking will not better your healths".(begin:he told us)
3.What I admire most about him is his absolute frankness.(begin:His absolute frankness,more----)
4.Although he added up the points five times,they still would not total to more than ten thousand.(begin:despite)
5.Only a very strong person can swim across the river(begin:None)
6.There are few leaves left on that tree.(Begin:There are hardly)
7.I was shocked at this sudden appearance that I could not speak.(Use:too---to)
8.Few means of entertainment are as enjoyable as the cinema(USE:more enjoyable)
9. Akshay sympathised with me over my sad fate that was some solaice.(Begin:Akshay's)
10. Manju is a fool. she does not trust the people who are loyal to her(begin: It is)
11.The recent years have seen a fall in petrol crisis.(Begin: A fall in---)
12.Order immediately and get a movie ticket free.(Begin:If)
13.For more information,Contact the health  booth.(Begin:If)
14.We left home hoping that the weather would remain sunny.(Begin:our living home----)
15.It is 9 o'clock. I must leave immediately.(JOIN)
16. Mansi was knocked down by a speeding car.(End with:------ mansi)
17.He is kind and generous (Begin : not only)
18.His ignorance made him fall prey to cheats.(Use:ignorant)
19.She bought a pair of trousers and a red top.(End: ----- by her)
20.All the girls were wearing beautiful dresses.(Begin:Each---)
21.Although she was too young,they appointed her.(Begin:Inspite)
22. Prema  is not the cleverest girl in class (Begin: some)
23.There was a lot of furniture in the room.(Begin: the room was)
24.As I  see more of him, I like him less (Begin:the)
25. The decision of the principal surprised us.(Begin: we)
26.Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.(Begin:If)
27.Take a piece of copper wire and heat it.(use: passive voice)
28.He accepted the strangers proposal.(Use : the verb form of proposal)
29.I saw him an hour ago.(Begin: It)
30.If you fail to obtain this job,it will  be only be through your carelessness (Use:'failure' instead of 'fail')
31.During plague, they kept away from city.(Begin: while)
32. The Rajputs preferred  death to dishonour.(Begin: The Rajputs  would)
asked by Siva Sankar (sivasankar7) 7 years ago

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