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2003 Course System Programming & Operating System

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1352 [Total No. of Pages : 2 [3864]-256 B.E. (Electronics) SYSTEM PROGRAMMING & OPERATING SYSTEM (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks :100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Solve Q.1 or Q.2, Q.3 or Q.4, Q.5 or Q.6, Q.7 or Q.8, Q.9 or Q.10, Q.11 or Q.12. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Assume suitable data, if necessary. Q1) a) b) Q2) a) b) Q3) a) b) Q4) a) b) Q5) a) b) Q6) a) b) SECTION - I Explain different data structures used for language processing. Explain different phases of complier. [8] [10] OR What is complier? What are the features of compliers? Explain how compliers works? [10] Define with example: [8] i) Operating system. ii) Linker. iii) System programming. iv) Translator. What feature of assembly language makes it mandatory to design a two [8] pass assembler? Explain with suitable example. What macro? Explain features of macro processor. [8] OR Explain algorithm of pass-I assembler with example. [8] Explain nested macro call with an example. [8] Explain the design of direct linking loader? Mention & give significance of required data structure. [8] Explain the working of dynamic linking loader. [8] OR What is function of loader & linker in operating system. Explain any one type of linker in detail. [8] [8] Explain relocation loader & absolute loaders. P.T.O.

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Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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