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Class 10 Exam 2015 : Mathematics (Delhi Public School (DPS), Newtown, Kolkata)

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Farazul Haque
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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWTOWN KOLKATA SESSION 2013-2014 SELECTION EXAMINATION CLASS : X SUBJECT : ENGLISH - 1 [SET A] FULL MARKS: 80 TIME : 2 Hrs Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all four questions. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. You are advised to spend not more than 35 minutes in answering Question 1 and 20 minutes in answering Question 2. This Paper consists of 5 printed pages. QUESTION 1 Write a composition (350-400words) on any one of the following: [25] a) Looking back at the last ten years of your life, describe the events that have been significant in shaping your personality. b) A waiting room at a railway station presents a wonderful opportunity to observe human behaviour. Describe an experience when you were early for a train and had to spend some time in the waiting room with different kinds of people. c) 'Money causes more harm than good.' Express your views either for or against this topic. d) Write an original story that begins with the words: It wasn't going to be easy she knew...but somehow she had to confront him. She took a deep breath, and walked into the room. e) Study the picture given below and write a story or a description of what it suggests to you. Your composition may be directly about the subject of the picture or what it suggests to you, but there must be a clear connection between the picture and the composition. 1

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