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ISC Class XII Prelims 2020 : English Language (La Martiniere Girls' College, Lucknow)

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Vidhi Sharma
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September, 2020 Half Yearly Examination CLASS XII ENGLISH PAPER 1 (LANGUAGE) (Maximum Marks: 80) (Time allowed: Three hours) (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.) Attempt all four questions. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. (You are advised to spend not more than 45 minutes on Question 1, 55 minutes on Question 2, 30 minutes on Question 3 and 50 minutes on Question 4.) (You should begin each answer on a fresh page.) Question 1: Write a composition (in approximately 400 450 words) on any one of the following subjects: (You are reminded that you will be rewarded for orderly and coherent presentation of material, use of appropriate style and general accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar.) [20] a) Describe any school trip that you had gone for. What did you learn from this trip? (b) Narrate an experience which made you realise that Time and Tide Wait for None . (c) As online learning becomes more common and more and more resources are converted to digital form, public libraries should be shut down. Write your views for or against this topic. (d) Lockdown Leisures. (e) Write an essay on the Global Impact of the Covid-19. (f) Write an original short story beginning with the following words: She was dismayed to find herself trapped .. Question 2: [15] (a)You are from XYZ School that just celebrated its annual function. In about 300 words, write an article for your School Magazine using the following points: Your name, Name of the school - date / time / venue of celebration(s) inauguration - Chief Guest/ dignitaries / invitees - other guests - cultural and sports events organised - your participation highlights of the event speeches / closing ceremony - students feedback etc. (b) As a prefect of a club in your school, you wish to organise an Inter School Competition. Write a proposal in not more than 150 words, stating the steps you would take to make it a success. [10] Question 3: Answer sections (a), (b) and (c). (a) In each of the following items, sentence A is complete, while sentence B is not. Complete sentence B, making it as similar as possible to sentence A. Write sentence B in each case. [5]

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