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UFV Vestibular de 2010 - 2º dia : Inglês Discursiva Específica

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 Página Inicial > vestibular > UFV (Univesidade Federal de Viçosa) >

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16 CADERNO J O QUEST ES DISCURSIVAS 2 DIA PROCESSO SELETIVO 2010 AS QUEST ES DE 05 A 08 REFEREM-SE A L NGUA ESTRANGEIRA (INGL S P G. 16 OU FRANC S P G. 18) VOC DEVER RESPONDER S QUEST ES RELATIVAS AO IDIOMA PELO QUAL OPTOU NO ATO DA INSCRI O L NGUA INGLESA - QUEST ES DE 05 A 08 RESPONDA AS QUEST ES EM INGL S. 05. Complete the blanks below with one of the following modal verb forms. Make sure you do NOT repeat any of the forms. might must can needn t would couldn t mustn t a) Excuse me, Sir. Please, observe the Hospital rules: You __________ smoke here. It is prohibited! b) You are sitting beside a lady at a public park and feel like smoking. What do you say to her? ________________ you mind if I smoked here? c) You are at a drugstore and want to know if it is possible to pay the bill with a credit card. ______________ I pay it with a credit card? d) You are at the doctor s and he considers it dangerous for you to go on smoking. He says: You _______________ stop smoking. 06. As Paul, a new exchange student, arrives on campus, some Brazilian students ask him questions. Rewrite these questions in the reported speech, completing the sentences below: a) Jackie: How old are you? Jackie asks ___________________________________________________________________________ b) Thais: Where did you first arrive in Brazil? Thais asked __________________________________________________________________________ c) Luisa: Are you staying on campus or downtown? Luisa asks ____________________________________________________________________________ d) Pedro: Have you already met many people? Pedro asked __________________________________________________________________________

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