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mole concept

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Ashoka Universal School (AUS), Nashik
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MOLE CONCEPT AND STOICHIOMETRY 1. Gay-Lussac s Law : Whenever the gases react chemically, they do so in volumes, which bear a simple whole number ratio to each other and to the volumes of products, if gaseous, provided the temperature and pressure of the reacting gases and their products remain constant. 2. Avogadro s Law : Equal volumes of all gases under similar conditions of temperature and pressure contain equal number of molecules. 3. Relative Atomic Mass [Atomic Weight] : It is the number that represents how many times one atom of an element is heavier than 1 12 th mass of one atom of carbon 6 C . 12 4. Gram Atomic Weight [Gram-atom] : It is the relative atomic mass of the elements expressed in grams. 5. Relative Molecular Mass [Molecular Weight] : It is the number that represents that how many times one molecule of a substance is 1 12 th mass of one atom of carbon heavier than 6 C . 12 6. Gram-molecular Mass [Gram-molecule] : It is the relative molecular mass of a substance expressed in grams. It is commonly called molecular weight. 7. Avogadro s Number : The number of atoms present in 12 g (one 12 gram atom) of carbon 6 C is called Avogadro s number. Its value 23 is 6.023 10 atoms. 8. Gram-molecular Volume : The volume occupied by 1 gram molecule of a dry gas at STP is called gram-molecular volume. Its 3 experimental value is 22.4 dm (lt.) at STP. 1 Key Points

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