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ICSE Prelims 2018 : Chemistry (St. Mary's School ICSE, Mazagaon, Mumbai)

7 pages, 81 questions, 81 questions with responses, 210 total responses,    0    0
Sean Dsouza
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ST. MARY S SCHOOL (ICSE), MAZAGAON , MUMBAI. CLASS:10 PRELIM EXAMS DATE:05/01/2018 CHEMISTRY MARKS:80 TIME:2 HRS SECTION I ( 40 MARKS ) Attempt all questions from this section. Q1. a. i) A: B: Choose the correct answer from the options given below : C: D: Which of the following is generally true ? Atomic size increases from left to right across a period. Number of valence electrons decreases from left to right across a period. Electron affinity increases down a group. Ionisation potential decreases down a group. ii) A: B: C: D: Conversion of bromoethane to ethene is an example of : Dehydrogenation Dehydrohalogenation Decarboxylation Dehydration iii) A: B: C: D: Which of the following acid does not form an acid salt ? H3PO4 CH3COOH H2SO4 H2SO3 iv) Concentrated sulphuric acid is used as a reactant in the preparation of HCl gas as it is a : Strong oxidizing agent Drying agent Dehydrating agent Non volatile acid. A: B: C: D: (5)

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