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ICSE Prelims Jan 2016 : Computer Applications (Cambrian Hall, Dehradun)

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Harvinder Singh
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CAMBRIAN HALL , DEHRADUN Preliminary Examination, January 2016 Class : X MM: 100 Computer Applications TIME : 2 hrs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You will not be allowed to write for the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of the paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. This question paper is divided into two sections. You are to attempt all questions from section A and any four questions from section B. The marks for questions or sub parts are given in brackets []. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SECTION A(40 marks) (Attempt all questions from this section) Question 1. [2x5] (a) Class is a user defined data type . Explain. (b) (i) Explain the meaning of following java statement: Subject cta = new Subject(); (ii) Predict the value of P, int P = (int) A + 25; (c) Explain the term entry controlled loop. How is it different from exit controlled loop? (d) Differentiate between a constructor and a method. (e) Explain with example the purpose of final keyword. Question 2. [2x5] (a) Differentiate between instance variables and class variables. Give examples also. (b) Why do we use Scanner class in java? Name the java package that contains Scanner class. (c) What is call by reference? Explain giving a small example. (d) Write java statements to : (i) To generate random number between 0 and 1. (ii) To find the value of Sin300. (iii) To find the value of log 2056. (iv) To round off the 60.7 to nearest int value. (e) Write the syntax to : (i) Create a scanner object (ii) To accept an integer using Scanner object. Question 3. (a) What is fall through? Give an example. [2] (b) Write java code to declare any two variables and initialize them through parameterized constructor. [3] (c) What do you mean by the term coercion? [2] (d) What do you mean by unary operator? Mention two types of unary operators. [2] (e) Give the output , if : [2] int a[]= { 5,8,9,6,4}; a[1]=a[3]; a[2]=a[4]; a[3]=a[1]+a[2]; for(int i=0; i<5;i++) System.out.print(a[i] + , ); (f) Name the term given to join two strings. Write the library function to join two strings. [2] (g) Give the output : [3] String s = TECHNICIAN ; System.out.println(s.substring(6) + s.substring(0,4)); System.out.println(s.charAt(s.indexOf( N )); System.out.println(s.endsWith( CAN ));

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