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Pranjal Pandey
Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi
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12P/221/31 Question Booklet No ....... l44 ...... . (To be filled up by the candidate by bluel black ball point pen) Roll No. LI_-'----'_...I.._-'----'_...I..I_-'---' Roll No. (Write the digits in words) , . . _...................................................................................... .. Serial No. of Answer Sheet .............................................. . ........................................... Day and Date .................................................................... ( Signature of Invigilator ) INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES I~: se only blue/black ball-point pen in the space above and on both sides of the Answer Sheet) 1. Within 10 minutes of the issue of the Question Booklet, check the Question Booklet to ensure that it contains all the pages in correct sequence and that no page/question is missing. In case of faulty Question Booklet bring it to the notice of the Superintendent/Invigilators immediately to obtain a fresh Question Booklet. 2. Do not bring any loose paper, written or blank, inside the Examination Hall except the Admit Card without its envelope. 3. A separate Answer Sheet is given. It should not be folded or mutilated. A second Answer Sheet shall not be provided. Only the Answer Sheet will be evaluated. 4. Write your Roll Number and Serial Number of the Answer Sheet by pen in the space provided above. 5. On the front page of the Answer Sheet, write by pen your Roll Number in the space provided at the top, and by darkening the circles at the bottom.. Also, wherever applicable, write the Question Booklet Number and the Set Number in appropriate places. 6. No overwriting is allowed in the entries of Roll No., Question Booklet No. and Set No. (if any) on OMR sheet and also Roll No. and OMR Sheet No. on the Question Booklet. 7. Any change in the aforesaid entries is to be verified by the invigilator, otherwise it will be taken as unfair means. 8. Each question in this Booklet is followed by four alternative answers. For each question, you are to record the cOlTect option on the Answer Sheet by darkening the appropriate circle in the corresponding row of the Answer Sheet, by ball-point pen as mentioned in the guidelines given on the first page of the Answer Sheet. g, For each question, darken only one circle on the Answer Sheet. If you darken more than one circle or darken a circle partially, the answer will be treated as incorrect. 10. :Vote that the answer once filled in ink cannot be changed. If you do not wish to attempt a question, leave all the circles in the corresponding row blank (such question will be awarded zero mark). 11. For rough work, ust': the inner back page of the title cover and the blank page at the end of this Booklet. 12. Deposit only the OMR Answer Sheet at the end of the Test. 13. You arc not permitted to leave the Examination Hall until the end of the Test. 14. If a candidate attempts to use any form of unfair means, he/she shall be liable to such punishment as the University may determine and impose on him/her. [No. of Printed Pages: 54+2

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