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MCQ-Diversity of living organism for AIPMT

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Pravin Jadhav
SADAGURU PATTERN- XI and XII Science- Biology`
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Chapter 01: Diversity in Organisms 1. .is the defining property of living organisms. (A) reproduction (B) consciousness (C) self replication (D) growth 2. Evolutionary history of a particular group of organisms is called .. A) Ontogeny (B) Phylogeny (C) Taxonomy (D) Palynology 3. The term classification was coined by .. (A) Theophrastus (B) A.P. de Candolle (C) Aristotle (D) Linnaeus 4. The main purpose of classification of organisms is to . (A) study geography (C) establish relationships (B) locate animals (D) study keys to plant s evolution 5. Kingdom Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia are included under domain .. (A) Eukarya (B) Archaea (C) Bacteria (D) Cyanobacteria 6. A taxonomic group of any rank is called (A) grade (B) category (C) variety (D) taxon 7. Biological concept of species was given by .. (A) Stanley (B) Hershey and chase (C) Darwin (D) Adolf Mayer 8. Modern concepts of species was given by (A) Charles Darwin (B) Carolus Linnaeus (C) Ernst Mayer (D) H.L.Lam 9. One of the following has correct descending sequence hierarchy. (A) class, division, order, family (C) order, family, class, division (B) division, class, order, family (D) family, order, class, division 10. In Solanum tuberosum, Solanum represents (A) Family (B) Genus (C) Order (D) Species 11. Which among the following is an order ? (A) Malvales (B) Polypetalae (C) Angiospermae (D) Hibiscus

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