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ICSE Class X Prelims 2021 : Geography (Orchid International School (OIS), Nashik)

4 pages, 96 questions, 73 questions with responses, 77 total responses,    2    0
St. Joseph's High School, Hassan, Hassan
8th to 10th art
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Orchid International SchoolTM, NASHIK Mock - 2 Examination (2020-2021) Grade: X Subject: Geography Max. Marks: 80 Max. Time: 2hrs. 30 Marks Part - I (Attempt all questions from this part) Question No. 1 On the outline map of India provided: (Map attached separately) a) Shade and label the Gangetic Plain. b) Shade and label an area of laterite soil in North India. c) Mark and label the Karakoram Mountains. d) Mark and name the Palk Strait. e) Shade and label the river Cauveri. f) Mark and name Mumbai. g) Mark and name the Nathu La Pass. h) Mark and name Digboi. i) Shade and name the Deccan Plateau. j) Shade and label the river Jhelum. [15] Question No. 2 On the outline map of India provided: (Map attached separately) a) Shade and label Thar desert. b) Label the river Narmada. c) Shade and name the Wular lake. d) Shade and label Kanara coast. e) Mark and name Mount Kanchenjunga. f) Shade and label a densely-populated region in India. g) Shade and label a region with Red soil in India. h) Mark with a dot and name Chennai. i) Mark and label the Arabian Sea branch of S. W. Monsoon. j) Mark with a dot and name Singhbhum. 12/02/2021 [15] Grade-X/Mock-2 (2020-21)/Geography Page 1 of 4

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Additional Info : ICSE Class X Prelims 2021 : Geography (St. Josephs High School, Hassan, Hassan)  

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