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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : History and Civics (Smt. Lilavatibai Podar High School (LPHS), Mumbai)

9 pages, 47 questions, 47 questions with responses, 47 total responses,    2    0
Praneel Rathi
Smt. Lilavatibai Podar High School (LPHS), Mumbai
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Y/ r ' LILAVATIBAI PODAR HIGH SCHOOL PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION -2024~2025 HISTORY & CIVlCS Maximum Marks: 80 Time allowed: Two Hours Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed/or writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Part I (Compulsory) A total offive questions are to be atternptedfrom Part II, two out of three questions from Section A and three out offive questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or part ofquestfons are given in brackets [} PARTI (Attempt all questions from this Part) Question 1 Choose the corr~ct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question, Write the correct answer only.) [16] i ) Suppose you are a member of the opposition party in the Lok Sabha . You want to express lack of confidence in the ruling government. Which motion will you move in the Parliament to do so? (a) Adjournment Motion (b) No Confidence Motion (c) Confidence Motion (d) Cut Motion This Paper consists of nine printed sides 1 ther conteste d nor won th any election to the Parliame nt but she has recently become the member of e Parliame nt. How is this possible? h h . (ii) Your mother is a renowne d social worker. S e as ne1 (a) She is appointe d by the Chief Justice of India. (b) She is appointe d by the Prime Minister. (c) She is nominate d to the Rajya Sabha by the President . (d) She is no:xninated to the Lok Sabha by the Governor. (iii) Mr Anil was not found eligible for the election as th~ Vice Presiden t of India though he is the citizen of India and not the member- of the Parliame nt and State Legislature. On what ground was he disqualified? !' I, (a) (b) (c) (d) ~ , ' t .ix "' ,, ,;.$:, For being above the age of 35 years. For being qualified to be elected as the member, of the Council of States. For holding any office of profit under the Central or State governm ent. All of the above (iv) ---------J urisdicti on means the po~er to. hear and dete~ e a dispute jz! the ' first instance. (a) Original (c) T~dicial Review (b) Appellat e (d) Revisoiy , " . Earlier in Se,ptember 2024, the national legal services authority (NALSA) settled over 10mn (million) cases during the third National Lok Adalat. On 14 September 2024, the Lok Adalats were organised across talukas, districts and high courts in 27 states. A NALSA statemen t says that out of the 11.4mn cases settled in Lok Adalats, 9.46mn were pre-litigati':'n ca,ses and 1.99mn were pending in various tl' ,~ i-;-- courts. ' v, 'Iii , ' (v) Which advantag e of the Lok Ad~lat is highligh ted in the above statemen t? (c) Speedy Justice (a) Saves money (b) Works on comprom ise (d) Not Reducing burden on Higher Courts (vi) Which of the followin g statemen ts about the Council of Minister s are correct? P: The ministers hold office during the pleasure of the Prime Minister . Q: The Council of Minister s are collectiv ely responsi ble to the Lok Sabha. 2 , R: A Vote of No-confidence against one minister does not have any effect on the entire Ministry. S: The Prime Minister selects his/her senior and trustworthy colleagues as Cabinet Ministers. (a) P and Q (c) P andR (b) Q and S (d) Rand S (vii)Read the two statements given below about the Partition of Bengal and select the option that shows the correct relationship between (A) and (B) A: The main motive for the Partition of B~ngal accqi;ding to the British rulers was administrative necessity. ' ir,. .....,,,. ~ ,;.1'1" ;,:,, ,,ar " . ,. ,;,..,. ~ft (\ t r I ',j,(1: !I_;. ~.tU' ~fi }. B: The Indian Nationalists did not believe.'t hat ,iJ was a delibe~ate att~irt]ltto divide Hindus on religious a~~ territorial groundf , ,; . v.' (a) B is the reason for A. ,., " '--t, ,. ~ .,, (b) A is true but B i's false, V ' '~ 1" _;~ 1 ~~{. ce fJ;,,~lj \~ , ~11 ) v. ,. ~ (t 1 ~ (d) A and Bare independ"ent of each otl)'j~, 4 ,;;, Q~ ; ~ t;' ir.'~ .--:: -.~ ,; , f; . \' .r~~?;:"r, 'l l"-- .., (c) B is true but A is false._, {. ' ~- I .~ , \" };,.,, k,. ~i ~ . ~' ~J.;__ J,f' -;,~ /1'. ,,. - ., ,,.I/! '.:'./:':.:. , (viii) Replace the underl~eastatement"Yith the corre,~t-option-.. . , ',i; , The first bbj~ctive of the Early Nafi~1 llists was to start a mass movement. .. ~~- (a) to educatlpEfopJe in India in modem(F,'Olitics f, . / ,.f,: I (b) to make the Nan&i~.Movement unique l~ : \it. (c) to influence the Britis~J~p-~emmen,;t-a _ d British Public ~' ,1- ~\- ~ !'I:~,. (d) to send deputation of Indian;~a~,s to Britain to create awareness ', ~ H , (ix ) Assertion: The All India Cdhgress Working CO'mmittee atcepted the J\1ountbatten Plan. Reason: The Muslim League joined the Interim Government to obstruct and not to cooperate. (a) Both A and true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R z,re true but R is not the correct explanation of A 3 (c) A is true but R is false. (d) A is false but R is true. (x) Analy sing the pictur e given below , ident ify the statem ent that does NOT align with the perso nality given in the picture. = ~. -. _, ~ ,rr.-~~ ;lt ;~ ,,. ..,.-1"1f .II() ...., -~ ' ~(' - ~ la,.' ., !"'~ . t. . .. ~~ "". /-r -.< ~;"~,,.r~--flf..t;j r~~.~ {' r,:,,,. / 'i,; ~.. !.:, f,l: ,:.-_ - ~ . " ~ - (a) Bahad ur Shah Zafar was under the protection of the Comp any and did not receive any pensi on from the British. (b) Lord Dalhorn;ie annou nced that the successors of Bahadur Shah Zafar will not be permi tted to use the Red Fort as their palace. (c) Lord Canning annou nced that his successors will not be allow ed to use the imperial titles. (d) Zeena t Maha l began plotti ng against the British. (xi) Which of these statements regarding Grouping of the Provi nces is INCORRECT with reference to the Cabinet Missi on Plan? (a) Group A includ ed six Hindu Majority Provinces. (b) Group B will include Bengal and Assam (c) Group C mdicates Delhi, Ajmer-Marwar and Coorg to join Group A and Baluchistan to join Group B. (d) A provincE could opt out of any group and Join another by a major ity vote. (xii) Which move ;nent is depicted in the above cartoon? (a) Formation of UNO (c) Beginning of Cold War (b) Non-A ligned Movement (d) None of the above United Nations Organisation? (xiii ) Which is the new objective to (a) (b) (c) (d) ing inte rnat iona To achieve inte rnat iona l cooperation in solv rity To mai ntai n inte rnat iona l peace and secu Dis arm , Dev elop and Decolonise ons To dev elop friendly relations amo ng nati l problems. ai kata under the Presidentship of Dadabh (xiv) The sess ion of 1886 was held at Kol is the above statement referring to? Naoroji. Which sess ion of the Congress (a) The Firs t Session of the congress (b) The Luc kno w Session (c) The Second Session of the congress (d) Sur at session of the congress (xv) Wh ich of the foll owi ng is INC OR REC (a) (b) (c) (d) T wit h refe renc e to Wo rld Wa r I ? Triple Alliance- Ger man y, Italy, Aus tria -Hu nga ry Allied Pow er - Britain, France, Russia Triple Ent ent e-T urk ey, Rus s~a ,Jap an nga ry and thei r allies Cen tral Pow ers - Ger man y, Aus tria -Hu the objective of-NAM-----------------(xvi) Which of the foll owi ng is not (a) To pro tect hum an righ ts and env iron men t (b) To elim inat e all thos e causes whi ch cou ld lead to war (c) To bui ld New Inte rnat iona l Economic Ord (d) Tot al mob ilisa tion of Ind ian man pow er er (NIEO) and mon ey for tota l war . Que stio n 2 and prorogue the Hou ses of the The President has the pow er to sum mon Sabha. Parliament and he can diss olve the Lok cate d in the abo ve stat eme nt? On wha t (i) Wh ich of the Pre side nt's powe.t indi side nt be rem ove d? gro und s and by whi ch pro cess can the Pre is (2) ng, immediate, and unambiguous in the The process of judicial review should be stro titutional or divisive. The Supreme Court case of stat utes tha t are obv iou sly uncons question whether the Citizenship of India will , sooner or later, consider the er it can pass con stit utio nal scrutiny. (Amendment) Act (CAA) and the rules und Source- The Hindu - 21 May ,2024 nt. (2) e Cou rt men tion ed in the abo ve stat eme (ii) Des crib e the pow er of the Sup rem 5 (iii) Name the famous march started by Mahatama Gandhi shown in the above (2) piclure. It marks the beginning of which movement? (iv) All India Congress Committee accepted the Mountbatten Plan. Give any two (2) reasons for the same. A i, B (v) Identify the person 'A' and person 'B' in the given picture. Whom did they receive their support from? (2) (vi) Name the five Permanent members of the Security Council. (2) (vii) Who are regarded as founders of NAM? ..' (2) PART II SECTION A (Attempt any two questions from this Section.) ~tion3 With reference to the Union Parliament, answer the following questions: ' (3) (a) Which house is the Lower House of the Parliament? Explain its term, (b) How is the Speaker of the Lok Sjlbha elected? Write any two of his functions in (3) relation to Business of the House. (c) State any four ways in which the Parliament can exercise control over the Executive. (4) Question4 With reference to the Union Executive, answer the following questions: (a) Describe the ~ee types of Emergencies proclaimed by the President. (3) . . (b) Describe the powe r 0 f the p nme Mlillster m relation with the Cabmet. (3) s collectively responsible to? What does the are thP CounCl 1 ofM mister (c) Whom . . princi ple of Collective Responsibility imply? (4) Quest ion 5 / With refere nce to the India n Judiciary, answer the following questions: (a) What is the compo sition of the Supreme Court? Write any two qualif ications (3) requir ed to be a judge of the Supreme Court. three points(3) (b) The High Court is a Court of Record. Justify this statement with any and (c) Write any four points of differences between the Court of District Judge (4) Sessions Court. SECTION B rtion6 , (Attempt any three questions from this Section.) Indep enden ce in The resentment to the British rule cul tinated in the First War of 1857. In this context answe r the follo1tlng questions: agree to (a) Who introd uced the Subsidiary Alliance? What did the Indian rulers (3) according to the Subsidiary Alliance? of India Act,1858? (b) Who was appoi nted as the first Viceroy by the Government (3) What was Queen Victoria's Proclamation? endence. (4) (c) Write any four changes made in the army after the First War of Indep Quest ion 7 Congress was led by the Natio nalism to the feelin g of oneness. In the initial years the Nationalists. In this Early Natio nalist s and later there emerged a new group of Asser tive context answe r the follow ing questions: (a) Write any .three repressive policies of Lord Lytton. ways was he the (b) Name the two books writte n by Bal Gangadhar Tilak. In what foreru nner of Gandhiji? (c) Write the objective and any three methods adopt ed by the Assertive the freedom struggle movement. (3) (3) Nationalists in (4) 7 Question 8 . al movement answer the With reference to Mahatama Gandhi and the Nation following questions: -:x BB .A,..M-~R" ii Assaca:s:Stain.,;;;:- :Brltlah :R:Ul-6 ' 1:> .,'J.:.oet nsA'r 4.,. ffSA~i, :tN :BMOLAZCD. _ 03 .....i -.ndJ:n>- n~oa't o"t o-.a.. D--,ro; a ,O,d a,r M"leh.11., 'l n---,.ncLod~ (A.-. -QO&..AT.KO :P.KJS.lf,a.) ~o.Nlt.n.Y. Dao. ;a..&.. ~-:? ~- ~H9it&;.-::11~~:.r..,,:,.~~~,,~:: :,~~~~~ Tf a 'fi> .,_,,,_.,,_,.;.,.,. 2i-r, ,- --~~ . - T t i u ~ ~J'o:: ~d1'i~~~~'-:J ~:-P!.'ro~:~O:::._:.~-;:: ~ - n. ,.. ~, py~r mua\ te-_ ...... -e: l~d d d ftl'l:......t. h !:,:~r!:~,fr -;!f~.1~~~ ..\"'~~~--"'l~ .....:T:ro:~~ ,-~-o~ eoo e 1.-m:tJ,ll~~~ t.h ,-atln.o b '" Y'ft~ ... , . 11(C~:i=~'4 ~y~.!:Yttii a~~.'!'i , OU b -rt:! Jilrl c l" h w..a.l j p. !adl" A.Dtl '11 tc. bOW aball w -~ ,-;.. ; --1: t::~- ~'b Jt.~o:a,-.-i;lo,.;,- lD . Gla JZO\air" d cw,i, , _'l ... .._.. cl'l. ... rou,1 ... - nd lmpaacbmaxat' 11:: ,f" C. n. . l DJro.r aud Sh ~fc..h ..,.<.>"'D"W,,..r!Sc:-ot ~l h L l ~ ~ ~ ~r~ * kla:i ,c;.t.J.ou.. ... (a) Name the movement started by Mahatama'-Oandhi after,,~ tipci&:;nit./ SJ~i;e any two impacts of this movement. ' '. ' ,/ m i ::',Jl:, ~."; ; (3) '>11: (b) Write any three terms (provisio1;1S,} of the Gandhi frwin Pact. ,,:y;' -~.~ ' (3) , IJ) (c) When and where was the Quit India.Resolution a4opt:ed,? What was the _ i , ,1 rimpact/ significance of Quit India Moverne~t? (any two) .. .,, .,. li-,.- Ji.),., j2tiestion 9 (4) ,.~.\',;.ii,,.~ With reference to the Flrst,end the s~~on;d World Wars and Rise of Dictatorships, f-.1 answer the following questions ~<~,' r1 "'- ~ $. r ., ' " ~ - .. -~ ";l., ~ . -~r ;'.:l" ~ ,._,11' l .., , , , ,,....P' ' ,_I ~.,. ., . . " ,;: '-.r - ,.. .....__ .. ,1 .... ~ , .... ,:L. .,,, : -~ ,.-;.~-. ~~ ~ . !,: "" ' ,.. BAL ~ - \', ~ 1 - --- ~~"1 (a) Observe the a:::>ove picture, Which World War does it indicate? Name the organisation which was f?rmed aft~r this war to promote international cooperation and prevent wars. Write any two aims and objectives of that organisation. (3) (b) Briefly d~scribe the immediate cause of the Second World War. (3) (c) Write any four similarities between the ideologies of Fascism and Nazi'sm. (4) 8 Question 10 With reference to the United Nations, answer the following questions: (a) Name the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. Write its composition. (3) (b) Mention any three functions of the General Assembly. (3) Message from Ms Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO UNESCO. Director-General, 2017- (Azoulay, A.)10 November 2023 "Science holds the undeniable potential to change our wor1{ffor the better. Vaccines, for instance, have played a critical role in cllrbing the spread of diseases such as COVID-19, measles, and polio." (c) Read the above statement and name the official monthly magazine of UNESCO. What is the full form of UNESCO? Write any two functions of this agency in the field of Science. (4)

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