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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Geography (Gokuldham High School & Junior College (GHS), Mumbai)

9 pages, 100 questions, 10 questions with responses, 10 total responses,    2    0
Shikhar Karmakar
Gokuldham High School & Junior College (GHS), Mumbai
1st to 10th science
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GOKULDHAM HIGH SCHO0L &JUNIOR COLLEGE SECONDARY SECTION(2023-2024) PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION SUBJECT: GEOGRAPHY (H.C.G. PAPER-2) GRADE: 10 DATE: 12.01.2024 MARKS:80 TIME:2 hours Answer to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The timegiven at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Part I iscompulsory. Allquestions from Part I are to be attempted. A totalof five questions are to be attempted from Part II. The marks intended for questions are given in brackets [ J This paper consists of 9 pages and an outline map of India. Tobe supplied with this Paper: Survey of India Map Sheet No.G43S7 PART I (30Marks) (Attempt all questivns from this Part) Question 1 Study the extract of the Survey of India Map sheet No G43S7 and answer the following questions: (i) (i) (a) What is the verbalscale of the given map extract? (b) Givethe six-figure grid reference of the Triangulatcd height 208. (2) (a) Mention the major occupation of the map extract. Give an evidence for your answer. (b)What is the drainage pattern of grid square 2606? (2) (iii) (a) Give two evidence to show that this region receives seasonal rainfall. (b)What does 200 in grid square 2707 mean? (2) (iv) (a) What does the tem 'aqueduct mean in grid square 2402? (b) What is the main mode of transportation in this map extract? (2) (a) Calculate the area between the Eastings 31 and 25 and the Northings (v) 10and 07. (b) What does 10r in grid square 2709 mean? (2) 1

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