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ICSE Class X Prelims 2021 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (Gundecha Education Academy, Mumbai)

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Dhrutika Katalkar
Gundecha Education Academy, Mumbai
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GUNDECHA EDUCATION ACADEMY FINAL PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION-2020-2021 SUBJECT: ENGLISH LITERATURE CLASS: X DATE: 18/02/2021 Time: Two hrs. Marks: 80 Candidates are required to follow the instructions mentioned below: i. Write the answers on Perforated Sheets / Full-scale Papers. ii. Use black / blue ball-point pen for writing the answers. Write your full name, Class along with Batch No.(X PE B- 1/ X PE B-2), Subject and Date on the top of every Answer Paper. iii. Write the Page No. on the top of every Answer Paper in the form of 1/5, 2/5, 3/5 etc .. iv. Once all the questions are attempted, the student should scan the answer sheets and convert to a single PDF with the answer sheets in sequence. This must be sent to the email id provided by the teacher. v. Students are requested to send the papers to the following Email id, X Bmenonrevs1705@gmail. , X C,D,E vi. All the scanned pages should be only in one PDF File and named as Your name Subject date . NAME GROUP SUBJECT200121 . vii. For example, if Shreya Chopra was submitting her Physical education paper, then pdf file name must be SHREYA CHOPRA XB PHYSICAL EDUCATION 200121 . Answer any five questions. The intended marks for questions are given in brackets [ ]. This Paper consists of 4-printed pages. Attempt at least one question from each section SECTION A DRAMA Q1.Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow: [16] Gratiano: There are a sort of men whose visages Do cream and mantle like a standing pond, And do a willful stillness entertain, With purpose to be dress d in a opinion Of wisdom, gravity, profound conceit, As who should say, I am Sir Oracle, And when I ope my lips let no dog bark! a)In whose company is Gratiano? What has provoked him to give a long lecture? [3] b)Why do some people, according to Gratiano, try to look serious? [3] c). I am Sir Oracle And when I ope my lips, let no dog bark . With reference to this line answer the question given below. When does Gratiano utter these words, and in which context? d)What impression does Gratiano leave on Antonio and his friends? What do they comment? [3] [3] e).What is the advice given by Gratiano to the listener? [4] Q2. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:- [16] Arragon : How many then should cover that stand bare ! How many be commanded that command! How much low peasantry would then be glean d From the true seed of honour ! and how much honour . Pick d from the chaff and ruin of the times To be new varnish d! Well, but to my choice : Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves I will assume desert. a)In which context does the prince speak these words? b)What did he say about merit? c)Who should cover? What does it mean? d)What s the meaning of low peasantry gleaned and the chaff and the ruins of times ? e)What does the speaker think of himself in this scene? What does he realize at the end of the choice? FINAL PRACTICE PRELIM 2020-21 1/4 pages [3] [3] [3] [3] [4]

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