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CBSE 10th
CBSE 12th
Just Testing
1 pages, 89 questions, 0 questions with responses, 0 total responses
Darsh Motiwalla
Smt. Lilavatibai Podar High School (LPHS), Mumbai
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INDIAN CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAMINATION, MARCH 2016 TIME-TABLE DAY & DATE TIME SUBJECT DURATION Monday 11.00 a.m. English Language ENGLISH Paper 1 2 hrs. February 29 Wednesday 11.00 a.m. Literature in English ENGLISH Paper 2 2 hrs. March 02 Friday 11.00 a.m. History & Civics - H.C.G. - Paper 1 2 hrs. March 4 Saturday 09.00 a.m. Art Paper I (Still Life) 3 hrs. March 5 Tuesday 11.00 a.m. Environmental Science (Group II Elective) 2 hrs. March 8 Wednesday 11.00 a.m. Hindi 3 hrs. March 9 Friday 11.00 a.m. Geography - H.C.G. - Paper 2 2 hrs. March 11 Saturday 09.00 a.m. Art Paper II (Nature Drawing/ Painting) 3 hrs. March 12 Monday 11.00 a.m. Mathematics 2 hrs March 14 Wednesday 11.00 a.m. Physics - SCIENCE Paper 1 2 hrs. March 16 Commercial Studies (Group II Elective) Wednesday 11.00 a.m. 2 hrs. March 17 (Group II Elective) Sanskrit / French Friday 11.00 a.m. Chemistry - SCIENCE Paper 2 2 hrs. March 18 Saturday 09.00 a.m. Art Paper III (Original Composition) 3 hrs. March 19 Monday 11.00 a.m. Biology - SCIENCE Paper 3 2 hrs. March 21 Second Languages: Ao-Naga, Assamese, Bengali, Dzongkha, Garo, Gujarati, Kannada, Khasi, Lepcha, Mizo, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Tamil, Tangkhul, Tuesday Telugu, Urdu 11.00 a.m. 3 hrs. March 22 Modern Foreign Languages: Arabic, Bhahasa Malaysia, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Korean, Modern Armenian, Persian, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Tibetan (Group III-Elective) Carnatic Music, Commercial Applications, Computer Applications, Cookery, Drama, Economic Applications, Environmental Applications, Fashion Designing, French, 11.00 a.m. German, Hindustani Music , Home Science, Indian Dance, Physical Education, Western Music, Yoga Monday March 28 2 hrs. 3hrs Technical Drawing Applications Wednesday March 30 Thursday March 31 Note: 1. 11.00 a.m. Economics, Portuguese (Group II Elective) 2 hrs. 09.00 a.m. 3 hrs. Art Paper IV (Applied Art) In addition to the time indicated on the Timetable for writing the paper, 15 minutes time is given for reading the question paper. 2. The question paper may be distributed to candidates at 10:45 a.m. to enable them to start writing at 11:00 a.m.
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