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ICSE Class X Notes 2023 : History and Civics (Childrens Academy, Bachani Nagar, Malad East, Mumbai)

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Bhavya Somaiya
Children's Academy, Bachani Nagar, Malad East, Mumbai
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THE MERCHANT OF VENICE ACT V SCENE 1 Ref I Jessica 1) Iwould out-night you, did nobody come; But, hark, Ihear the footing of a man. What does Jessica mean by the above lines? Who is she speaking to? Where does this scene take place? Ans. Jessica is speaking to Lorenzo and she means that she could outdo Lorenzo in enumerat1ng instances of moonlit nights, if they had only alitle longer time to themselves, but they are interrupted and she can hear the footsteps of someone approaching. This scene takes place in Belmont, in the avenue to Portia's house. 2) Earlier in the scene, what three qualities of the night does Lorenzo mention? Ans. Lorenzo says that the moon is shining very brilliantly. The sweet gentle breeze is breathing sofly through the trees. The trees received its sweet caressing silently. It is calm and quiet. 3) What does Lorenzo say about Troilus? Explain the allusion. Ans. Lorenzo says it was on a mobnlit night like this that long ages ago. Troilus climbed on the walls of Troy and sent forth sighs of love towards the tents of the Greeks, visible in the moonlight, where his beloved Cressida was sleeping that night, the night of her departure. Troilus and Cressida were lovers and had exchanged vows of eternal fidelity. However., during the siege of Troy, Cressida was handed over to the Greeks in an exchange of prisoners. She has vowed to remain constant, but soon fell in love with Diomede. For a long time, every night Troilus stood on the walls of Troy looking at the Greek camp. Thus, Cressida became a symbol of unfaithful lovers. What does Jessica say about Thisbe? Explain the allusion. Ans. Jessica says that it was on a moonlit night like this when Thisbe, with a heart throbbing 4) with fear, came daintily stepping over the dewy grass. The bright moonlight showed her the shadow of a lion, before she saw the lion, and warned in time, she fled away in terror. Thisbe a Babylonian maiden and her lover Pyramus were forbidden to meet by their parents. One day they arranged to meet in a forest. Thisbe heard the roar of a lion and fled leaving her cloak behind. The lion seized the mantle and tore it, staining it with the blood DATTANI TUTORIALS - Mob.9137743339 Page 68

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