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Chapter 4.7 - Water Pumps

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Selected questions Chapter4.7: Water Pumps Short type questions Long type questions 1. a1 available for b1 measuring pump flow and write briefly about What are the types of field test methods any two methods available? Ans Some of the measurement methods for large water flow are as under: Tracer method BS5857 Ultrasonic flow measurement Tank filling method Installation of an on-line flowmeter a2 b2 Tracer Method Tracer methods are particularly suitable for cooling water flow measurement because of their a3 b3 sensitivity, accuracy and minimum permanent head loss. The method is based on injecting a tracer into the cooling water for a few minutes at an accurately measured constant rate. A series of samples is extracted from the system at a point where the tracer has become completely mixed with the cooling water. The mass flow rate is calculated from : qcw where, qcw = q1 C1/C2 = cooling water mass flow rate, kg/s q1 = mass flow rate of injected tracer, kg/s C1 = concentration of injected tracer, kg/kg C2= concentration of tracer at downstream position during the plateau period of constant concentration, kg/kg The tracer normally used is sodium chloride. Ultrasonic Flow meter Operating under Doppler effect principle these meters are non-invasive type of measurements which can be taken without disturbing the system. Scales and rust in the pipes are likely to impact the accuracy. For better accuracy, a section of the pipe can be replaced with new pipe for flow measurements. Tank filing method In open flow systems such as water getting pumped to an overhead tank or a sump, the flow can be measured by noting the difference in tank levels for a specified period during which the outlet flow is stopped. Installation of an on-line flow meter If the application to be measured is going to be critical and periodic then the best option would be to install an on-line flowmeter which can rid of the major problems encountered with other types. 2. Explain the Pump operating point with a diagram? Ans When a pump is installed in a system the effect can be illustrated graphically by superimposing pump and system curves. The operating point will always be where the two curves intersect. .7 - Pumps (table format) 40

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