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ICSE Notes for study of compounds

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Mira Sree
Lakshmi School, Veerapanchan, Madurai
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Study of compounds On a small scale, ammonia is obtained from ammonium salts, which decompose when treated with caustic soda or lime. It forms metal salt, water, and ammonia gas. Ammonia can also be prepared by treating metal nitrides with warm water. Properties of ammonia 1. It is a colourless gas with a pungent odour. 2. It is extremely soluble in water. 3. It is oxidised in excess of oxygen with and without catalyst. All soluble salts of metals react with aqueous ammonia to form their respective insoluble hydroxide and ammonium salts. Ammonia is used in the production of various nitrogen fertilisers (ammonium nitrate, urea, ammonium phosphate, and ammonium sulphate). Nitrates are the salts of nitric acid with metals. They are prepared by treating metals and metallic compounds with nitric acid. All nitrates decompose on heating. The products of decomposition depend on the type of nitrate i.e., whether it is a metal or non-metal. It liberates reddish brown fumes of nitrogen dioxide. Thus, it can be used as a test for nitrates. Alkali metal nitrates decompose on heating to form respective nitrites and oxygen while heavy metal nitrates decompose on heating to form respective metallic oxides, nitrogen dioxide, and oxygen. In laboratory, sulphur dioxide is prepared by treating sulphites of active metal with dilute sulphuric acid. It causes headache when inhaled in small amount while it might prove fatal in large amounts. It is a pungent smelling gas, which is soluble in water. It is heavier than air and its boiling point si 263 K. It is neither combustible nor does it support combustion. Also, it has both acidic and bleaching properties. It reacts with alkalis such as sodium hydroxide. When sulphur is present in limited amount, it forms their respective soluble sulphites and water, but when sulphur is present in excess amount, it forms their respective metal hydrogen sulphites.

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