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ICSE Notes 2018 : Commercial Studies (Narbheram Hansraj English School (NHES), Jamshedpur)

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Arindol Dey
Narbheram Hansraj English School (NHES), Jamshedpur
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STD 10 (C) NARBHERAM HANSRAJ ENGLISH SCHOOL BISTUPUR, JAMSHEDPUR FIRST ASSESSMENT 2ND UNIT TEST 2016-17 COMMERCIAL STUDIES F.M 80 Time: 2 hrs SECTION A ( Attempt all questions from this section) [5x2=10] Q1. a) b) c) d) e) Q2. a) b) c) d) e) Q3. a) b) c) d) e) Q3. a) b) c) d) e) Give any two difference between stakeholders and shareholder. Give two advantages of marketing research ? Differentiate between selling and marketing ? Mention any two ratios on the basis of profitability ? Mention two advantages of Branding ? [5x2=10] Differentiate between the Oral and Written communication in terms of "Means" and "reliability". Mention any two themes commonly used in advertisement ? Distinguish between capital receipts and revenue receipts. Mention any two expectations of employees from a business concern. Explain horizontal communication ? [5x2=10] Distinguish between standardisation and grading ? State any two objectives of sales promotion ? State any two reasons why consumer protection is needed ? Explain the term "Deferred Revenue Expenditure ? Explain two ways how advertising is helpful to manufacturers ? [5x2=10] Distinguish between packing and packaging ? State any two advantages of radio advertising ? Explain the term "sale on approval" ? Give any two revenue expenses which can be treated as capital expenditure. "Spoken communication permits immediate feedback". Comment ? SECTION B (Attempt any FOUR questions from this section) (10x4=40) [5+5=10] Q5. a) b) Q6. a) b) Q7. a) b) Q8. a) b) Q9. a) b) Q10. a) b) Explain the five methods of Oral Communication ? Explain briefly any five rights of the consumer according to consumer protection Act ? [5+5=10] Explain the Experimentation method of Marketing Research ? Distinguish between Shareholders and Creditors as stakeholders of a commercial organisation? [5+5=10] Briefly explain any five reasons why people consider advertising a social waste ? Explain the first five steps involved in the marketing research process (in sequence) [5+5=10] Explain any five objectives of brand promotion ? Explain any five technical qualities of a successful salesman. [5+5=10] Explain any five key functions performed by warehouses. Explain any five barriers to communication ? [5+5=10] Briefly explain the Interpersonal skills required for effective communication. Distinguish between product and services (any 5 points). ******


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