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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : History and Civics (Lodha World School (LWS), Palava, Dombivili)

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Anamica Basu
Lodha World School (LWS), Palava, Dombivili
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LODHA WORLD SCHOOL Near Khidkaleshwar Temple, Kalyatn - Shilphata Road, Dormbivali East, Palava, Maharashtra 421204, Ph. No. -0251 6699588 LODHA WORLD sCHOOL-2024-2025 Std: X Term Exam I Subject-History &Civics TotalMarks: 80 Duration: 2 Hours Div: Name: Roll no Date:28,8,2024 answer sheet provided Answers to this Pgper must be writen on the separately. first FIFTEEN minutes. You will not be allowed to write during the paper. This time is fo be spent in reading the question for writing the Ihe fime given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed answers. Altempt all questions from PartI(Compulsory). from Part Il, two ouf of Atotal of five questions are to be attempted three questions from Section A and three out of five questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets (). PART I Aitempt all questions from this Part Question 1 Choose the correct option: i) ldentify the exclusive powers of the Lok Sabha. P:Can introducea new AIl India Service (16) Near Khidkaleshwar Palava, Temple, Kalyan - Shilphata Road, Dombivali East, Maharashtra 421204, Ph. No, - 0251 6699588 LODHA WORLD SCHOOL-2024-2025 Std: X Term Exam I Subject-History &Civics Total Marks: 80 Duration: 2 Hours Name: Div: Roll no Date:28.8.2024 Answers to this Paper must be written on the answer sheet provided separately. Youwill not be allowed to write during the first FIFTEEN minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the The time given at the head of this Paper is the time question paper. allowed for writing the answers. Aftempf all questions from Part I(Compulsory). Atotal of five questions are to be attempted from Part lI, two out of three questions from SectionA and three out of five questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets (). PART I Atfempt all questions from this Part Question 1 Choose the correct option: i) ldentify the exclusive powers of the Lok Sabha. P: Can introduce anew AlllIndia Service (16) Q: Motions of in this house No-Confidence against the introduced government can only be R: Can never be disscolved as a whole S: Can introducea Money Bill (a) P and Q (c) P and R (b) Rand S (d)Q and S the President )SUdha Murthy was nomingted io Roiva sabha on March 8. Here has exercised the power. a) Discretionary i) The b) Judicial c) Executive d) Legislative power refers to all those matters or subjects not mentioned in anyof the three Lists Union, State and Concurrent. q) ResidUary b) Judicial c) Amended d) Parliamentary Iv)Which of the following scenarios meets the qualifications reqUirea for an individual to be eligible to be elected as the Vice President of India? a) A35-year-old individual who has been aualified as a Mermber of the Council of States. b) A45-year-old individual who is a citizen of India and is eligible to be a member of the Rajya Sabha. c) A 50-year-old individual who has served as aGovernor of astate in India. d) A40-year-old individual who has been apracticing lawyer for 15 years. v) In which of the following situationscan the Parliament exercise its electoral power? a) To impeach the President for grave misconduct. b)To appoint the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. ) Toconduct elections for d) To approve the the President and the Vice-President appointment of the Prime Minister. A VI) laentify the Cabinet Minister of the Prime Minister of India based on tne following description: the Ministry and holds a vital portfolio of member prominent a is individual Inis the world. He/she also formulates, Telared to all aspects of India's relations with the Government of India. Implements and presents the foreign policy of a) Minister of Home Affairs c) Minister of External Affairs b) Minister of Defence d) Minister of Finance by Lord Wellesley during the introduced system alliance vi) Under the subsidiary were typically imposed on conditions following the of India British colonial rule, which subsidiary alliance with the East a into entered who Indian princely states Company? independence P: Virtually lost their Q:Agreed to maintain French R: SUTendered their troops at their own cost foreign affairs to the EEIC British as the supreme power S: Did not accept the c) P and S d) Q and S b) R andS d) P and R shows the and select the option that below given statements vii) Read the two (R): correct relationship between (A) and including the implementation of the policies, colonial Lytton's viewed as Assertion (A): Lord introduction of the Arms Act, were the and Act Press Vernacular expression and suppressed dissent in of freedom stifled that repressive measures colonial India. control these policies were necessary to that believed Lytton Lord (R): Reasoning dominance in India followingthe British maintain and rebellions potential uprising of1857. are True, and the Reason is the correct a) Both the Assertion and the ReasSon explanation for the Assertion. b) Both the Assertion and the Reason are True, butthe Reason is not the corect explanation for the Assertion. c) The Assertion is True, but the Reason is False. d) The Assertion is False, but the Reasoningis True. ix) Rajesh, a follower of the beliefs and methods of the Early Nationalists, resides in a locality facing prolonged power cuts despite multiple complaints to the relevant authorities. The residents convene a meeting to address the issue and propose different methods to tackle the problem. Which of the following methods is Rajesh NOT LIKELY to approve given his alignment with the Early Nationalist principles? (a) Organizing a peaceful protest outside the electricity board office (9 Initiating a community-wide boycott of electricity bills (c) Drafting a formal pettion outlining the grievances and demands to be submitted to the electricity board (d)Distributing pamphlets and information leaflets across the neighborhood highlighting the issue and advocating for a resolution x) ldentify the ODD ONE Out of the following objectives of the Muslim League: ( Topromote among Muslims of India, support for the British (b) Topromote cultural and socio-economic cooperation among Muslims (c) Toprotect and advance political rights and interests of the Muslims (d)To present the needs and demands of the Muslims to the government ) BalGangadhar Tilak significantly contributed to the nationalist movement through various means. Which of the following actions or initiatives is NOT associated with Tilak's efforts to spread nationalist ideas? a) Using the Ganpati festival to propagate nationalist ideas (b) Glorifying Chatrapati Shivaji and initiating the Shivaji festival (C)As a journalist he worked for The Tribune and New Indid (a) Witing books on the Gita Rahasya and The Arctic Home of the vedds Xl) Aschool studentnamed Nisha is doinga project on a prorninent indian nationalist leader who went abrogd to moblise opinion in favour of India's SiTUggle for freedom and when he went to America in 1914 he joined the Ghadar Party there. Who is Nisha MOST LIKELY writing about? a) Surendranath Banerjee c) Lala Lajpat Rai b) Pherozeshah Mehta d) JyotibaPhule used by Gandhijiisseen in the given Xii) Which of the following methods picture ? b) Memorandum a) Petition c) Mass movement d) Writing article identify the person Xiv) Read the description and and in the words of Kaumudi' 'Samwad weekly called the the He started aBengali modern age in India. He was the inaugurated Rabindranath Tagore, he prophet of Indian Nationalism. the and Renaissance father of the Indian a)Bal Gangadhar Tilak c) Bipin Chandra Pal b)Dadabhai Naoroji d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy 1885was held under the XV) The first session of the Indian Nationg! Congress presidentship of a) Justice Ranade b) W.C.Bonnerjee c)Gopal Krishna Gokhale d)Swami Vivekananda xvi) The slogan given by the Father of the Nation during the Quit India movement was o)Jai Bharat c)Jai Hind b) Do or Die d) Inquilab Zindabad (14) Question 2 post due to a major rail accident on his from resigns minister railway Union i)The also send in their resignation? Give moralgrounds. Do all the cabinet ministers (2) reasons to support your answer. exercised by the Speaker in being is power of category Which i) the following:(2 |, resolutions. admissibility of allquestions and Legislative Conference of Presiding Officers of the over presides b) He/ she a) He/she decides the bodies in India. Nationalists.After talking to him, yoU Early the of one met i) Imagine that yOU the Assertives. methods adopted by them and the in difference realized the which differed from the Nationglists Ealy the by (2 State any two methods used Assertive Nationalists. ways in year 1856. Mention any two the in sepoy, Indian Brifish iv) Imagine you were an policies implemented by the the by affected (2) which yoUwere government. of the Assertive leaders v) What was the objective vi) What did the Rowlatt Act imply? (2) (2) Vi) Why did the First Round Table Conference fail? (2) PART II SECTION A Attempt any two questions from this Section. OQuestion 3 the law-making body., but the center of The Union Legislature of Indiais not only answer the processes. With reference to the Parliament, all democratic political following questions: are not competing centresof power but ()The vwo houses of Parliament are governnment. Explain this statement with the the of functioning the in co-partners (3) help of examples. against the Modi ( ) No-confidence motion of Sabhaand the opposition's 'battle government: The numbers in Lok perception'. Wednesday admitted a no on Birla Om Speaker Sabha NEW DELHI: Lok the ongoing Narendra Modi government amid the against motion confidence impasse over the Manipur issue. possible Discuss the implications and tabled -TIMESOFINDIA.COM/Jul26, 2023 outcomes of the no-confidence the Lok Sabha. against the Modi government in (ii) Mention of the Speaker. any three disciplinary functions Question 4 organ of the government, executive the to reference With questions. i) Why is the President elected indirectly? motion (4) (3) answer the following (4) (3) i) Explain any three executive powers of the President. of the im) The Vice-President of the Indign Union gcts as the ex-officio Chairman (3) RajyaSabha. In this capacity, explain the functions carried out by him. Question 5 The Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister aids and advises the President. In this context, answer the following questions: the Council of (0 Mentionany foUr points to distingush between Ministers and (4) the Cabinet. two (1) Whoappoints the Cabinet Ministers? Mention any of the Cabinet. (i) Mention any three functions the Prime Minister administrative powers (3) performsas leader of the (3) Notion. Section B Affempt any three questions from this Section. Question 6 Independence With reference to the First War of question: Causes for 1)Wite three socio-religious for i) Write three economic reasons i) Write four important revolt of 1857. [1857]. Answer the following (3) the revolt of 1857. (3) the revolt of 1857. administrative changes made by the British after the (4) Guestion 7 feeling of oneness that emerges when people Consider the to refers Nationalism growth of nationalisrn, answer the nation. With reference to the themselves one following: the Congress the ongress. Mention any three of of President (3) Name the first a) objectives. Nationalism. Thus, role in the growih of Indian important. Mention any four points to press played an the press. needfor Curbs on nationalismn. the saw growth of the British the in the press analyse the role of b)The (4) because he wanted it Congress fhe of the favoured the formation thereby, safeguarding Dufferin, aiscontent, clord (3) for popular 'safety-valve' asa statement. act to India. Explain this in interest British Question8 the First With reference to the following questions: and Second differences to i)Write three and Early Nationalists i) Write four explain the objectives and methods answer adopted by the Assertive Nationalists. significancesof in) Who partitioned Nationalism, Indian the of Phase (4) the LucknowPact. actual reasons Bengal? State any two behind the Partition. cpuestion 9 below and answer Read the excerpt given the following (3) questions: approved by the Imperial legislation 1919), Rowlatt Acts. (February India. The Acts permitted British of legislature Legislative Council,the and permitted internment juries without tried be certain politicalcases to wartime objective was to replace the Their trial. without suspects of permanent law. They were grOUnded a with (1915) Act India Defence of (3) On the report of Justice S.A.T. Rowlat'scommittee of 1918. An aroused Indian public much resented the Rowlatt Acts. Allnon-official indla COUncil members (i.e., those who were not bureaucrats in the colonial government) voted in contradiction of the Acts. Mahatma Gandhi organizeda protest movement that directed straight to the Massacre of Amritsar (April 1919). As a result, the Acts were never dctually implemented. a) Name the movement with which the above pasSage is aSSociated. When did Gandhiji launch this movement? (3) b) The movement which began with this Act made a considerable impact on the social and political surroundings of the cOuntry. Analyze this statement by mentioning any three impacts. (3) c) What led to the withdrawal of this movenment? What was Gandhij's view about the withdrawal? (4) Question 10 Study the picture and answer the following questions: GoBACK a) ldentify the movement with which the above image is associated. Why was the Simon Commission appointed by the British Government? Why did the Congress boycott the Commission? (4) b) Describe the programme of the movement associated with the picture. (3) c) State any three consequences of the movement associated with the picture.(3) i) Question 1 P:CanldentifyChoose introduce the option: pOwers fiveAttempt questions and A for Affempt questions qUestions three fromquestions are India Service all three All of the Lok al questions Sabha. or out PART Iparts of to be Name: Answers You This wil to at not this time Near the SCHOOL-2024-2025 WORLD LODHA be Paper head is Khidkaleshwar SCHO0L WORLD LODHA allowed to Palava, Subject-History Civics & must of be thisspent Exam Term I Maharashta to be Paper separately. Std: X Temple, inwrite written Div: reading Kalyan is during 421204, the on the time the the Ph. Shilphata given of marks exclusive a total A Section correct "he time intended the new nswerS. The from fiattempted ve of Part questions from questions Rollno I answer (Compulsory). question first alowed this from from FIFTEEN Part are Part Marks: Total sheet Duration: Hours 280 givenSection for Date:28.8.2024 paper. Il, brackets in B. two out (). 0251Road, 6699588 Dombivali writing minutes. provided East, of (16) No. the

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