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ICSE Prelims 2017 : Malayalam (Infant Jesus Anglo - Indian Higher Secondary School (IJHSS), Kollam)

9 pages, 66 questions, 2 questions with responses, 2 total responses,    2    0
Adhithyan Js
Good Shepherd Public School & Junior College, Thengana, Changanasserry
XI biomaths
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MALAYALAM SECOND LANGUAGE (Three hours) Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. This paper comprises of two Sections; Section A and Section B. Attempt all the questions from Section A. Attempt four questions from Section B, answering at least one question each from the two books you have studied and any two other questions. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SECTION A (40 marks) Attempt all question Question 1 Write a short composition in Malayalam of approximately 250 words on any one of the following topics:(15) (Xmsg sImSp- n-cn- p hnj-b- -fn GsX- nepw H v Xnc-s -Sp p GI-tZiw 250 hm n Hcp D]-\ymkw ae-bm-f- n Fgp-Xp-I) i. Pew Aaq-ey-amWv Pe- ns al-Xz-s - n hnh-cn- p-I. ii. Hcp \ kz`mhw hf n-sb-Sp- m hnZym-`ymkw AXy- m-t]- n-X-am-Wv. ka n- pI. iii. ico-c-t bpw a\- n-t\bpw tcmK- -fn \n pw kwc- n- m th n sN m-hp Imcy- -sf- n hnh-cn- p-I. iv. i am p `qjWw a Cu ]g-s m- ns\ Bkv]-Z-am n Hcp kzX-{ -IY FgpXp-I. v. Xmsg-sIm-Sp- n-cn- p Nn{Xs Bkv]-Z-am n Hcp teJ-\tam hnh-c-Wtam X m-dm p-I. Question 2 Write a letter in Malayalam in approximately 120 words on any one of the topic given below:(7) (Xmsg sImSp- n-cn- p hnj-b- -fn GsX- nepw H v Xnc-s -Sp p GI-tZiw 120 hm n Hcp Is -gp-Xp-I) A\m-Y-am-bn- n-S- p Hcp {K -im-e-bpsS (Library) {]h \w ]p\xkwL-Sn- n- -W-sa- `y n- p-sIm v _ -s A[n-Im-cn p Hcp Is -gp-Xp-I, As - n \n -fpsS kvIqfn \S bph-P-t\m- -h- n Iem-{]-Xn-`-tbm Xne-Itam Bbn Xnc-s Sp- -s A\p-`-h- hnh-cn- p-sIm v kplr- n\v Hcp Is -gp-Xp-I. Question 3 Read the passage given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that follow, using your own words as far as possible:- (Xmsg sImSp- n-cn- p KZy-`mKw hmbn- -Xn-\p-tijw X n-cn- p tNmZy- v kz w hm p-I-fn D -c-sa-gp-Xp-I) ]ucmWn-I-cmb Ejn-h-cy am a\p-jy-cm-in v s]mXpsh {]tbm-P-\-s -Sp hn[- n aq v alm-hm-Iy- D]-tZ-in- n- p- v. H v, "AktXm am kZvK-ab'. c v 'Xatkm am tPymXn Kab' aq v, 'artXym am AarXw Kab' BZys hmIy- n al- mb km m nI X z -sf-bmWv Dt -in- p- -Xv. 'Xn -bn \n pw \ -bn-te v Fs \bn-t -Wta' F v. Xn bmWv a\p-jys kIe hn]- p-I pw Imc-Ww. Xn sIm v \mw H pw t\Sp- n- . AXv A\p-Zn\w \s hn\m-i- n-te v \bn p sIm n-cn- pw. Hcp aZy-]m-\n v aZyw Df-fn sN m kw`-hn- p tZmj-^-e- -sf- n t_m[-an- m- n- - , Abm aZy- n\v ASn-a-bm p- -Xv, Xn -bpsS t{]cW \nan- -am-Wv. \ sb Xn Pbn- p- Xp sIm m-Wv. Hcp sIme]m-X-In pw Xm sN p- Xv alm-]m-X-I-am-sW- -dn-bmw. Abm-fpsS a\xkm n B ZpjvSI - n \n v Abmsf hne- p- p-ap- v. F m hne- p-I-sfm pw hI-h-bv m-sX Abm B {Iqc-Ir-Xy- n\v X m-dm-hp- p. HSp- m i{Xp-X-tbm, i -amb _mly-t{]-c-Wtbm, ]W-t m-Sp-ff Zp t m-ltam Bbn-cn mw Imc-Ww. Chn-sSbpw Xn -bpsS Pb-amWv \mw ImWp- -Xv. AXn-\m \ap v Cuiz-c-t\mSv {]m n- m-\p-f-fXpw {]m n-t - Xpw ta ]d atlm-]-tZ-i-am-Wv. ""Cuizcm Fs Cu Xn -bpsS ]nSn-bn \n pw c n v \ bnte v \bn-t -Wta'' F v A -s\-bp-ff {]m -\-sImt \ap v k m - n-te- p-ff {]bmWw kpK-a-am-Iq. C\n c m-as hmIy- n-te v IS mw 'Xatkm am tPymXn Kab' A -Im-c- n \n pw Fs {]Im-i- n-te v \bn-t -Wta' F v A -X-bpsS {]Xo-I-amWv A -Imcw. B A -Im-c-am-Ip sImSpw-Im- n s v \mw Dg-ep-I-bm-Wv. P\-Xsb \bn- m C v hn m-cn- . Xm G s -Sp {]hr- n-bn th {X Adnhp t\Sn-bn v P\- -fpsS t\Xm-hmIm Bcpw B{K-ln- p- n- . A m-\-am-Ip Iqcn-cp- n \n pw hn m-\- ns {]Im-i n F n-t m am{Xta a\p-jy\v bYm t_m[w D m-hp-I-bp-f-fq. AXm-bXv \s -bpw, Cu {]h- -s bpw F mw \nb-{ n v sIm p-t]m-Ip AZr-iy-i- n-bmb Cuizc-s\- p-dn- p-ff t_m[w. {]Im-i- ns D X tKm]p-c- n-emWv Cuizc ssNX\yw {]k-cn2 p- -Xv. \ psS lrZ-b- n \n pw Ccp v \nt jw \o n, shfn- - ns s]m Xm-c-bn-te m-Is \ psS {]bm-Ww. ""artXym am AarXw Kab'' arXyp-hn \n v Aa-c-Xz- n-te v Fs \bn-t -Wta' F XmWv aq mas alm-Imhyw a\pjy PohnXw \iz-c-am-Wv. AXns\ A\-iz-c-am- m kXvIrXy- -fn-eqsS km[n- q. k -\- -fp-am-bp-ff kwk w \ap v A\y-cn BZ-chpw kvt\lhpw P\n- n- p- p. Ah v \ fm Ignbpw hn[w D]-Imcw sNbvXp sImSp- p-hm \s t{]cn- n- p- p. ']tcm-]-Im-cta ]pWyw, ]m]ta ]c-]o-U\w' F hymtkm-]-tZ-i ns amlm yw At m-gmWv \ap v hy -am-Ip- -Xv. A\y Poh\v {]tbm-P\w sNbvXn mWv \mw kz w PohnXw [\y-am- p- -Xv. Bt - -Xv. \mw \ psS kpJ- n\p th n sN p Imcy- A\y-cpsS kpJ- n-\p-IqSn {]tbm-P-\-s -S-Ww. F nte \ap v bYm amb B -kpJw e`n- p-I-bp-f-fq. i. Ejn hcy- m a\p-jy-cm-in v D]-tZ-in- n- p-ff alm-hm-Iy- -tfh? (2) ii. ""\ sb Xn Pbn- p p''. DZm-l-c-W-k-lnXw hy -am- p-I. (2) iii. ""A -X-bpsS {]Xo-I-amWv A -Imcw'' hne-bn-cp- pI (2) iv. hymtkm-]-tZ-I- ns amlm yw hni-Z-am- p-I. (2) v. Cu KZy-`m-K- n\v DNn-X-amb Hcp io jIw (Title )\ In hnh-cn- pI (2) Question 4 Answer the following according to the instructions given :- (Xmsg sImSp- n-cn- p \n t -i- -f-\p-k-cn v D -c-sa-gp-Xp-I) 1). Change in to indirect speech: (1) (A\p-I-Y-\am- pI) iq -WJ: Rm cm -k-cm-Pm-hmb cmh-Ws A\p-P- n-bmWv Fs A v `mcy-bmbn kzoI-cn- Ww cma : F\n p Hcp `mcy Df-f-Xn-\m \ns kzoI-cn- m Ign-bn- . 2). Give on word for the following (1) (H - Zw Fgp-Xp-I) i. {Kln- m {]bm-k-ap-f-fXv ii. \ bpw Xn bpw iii. X- n \n v {XmW\w sN p- h iv. ac-W-an- m- -h 3). Correct the spelling mistake (1) (A -c-sX p Xncp- p-I) i. D Lm-S\w ii. ]nt m w iii. AkvX-a\w iv. hnZyp-Xvi n 3 4). Write a proverb about the following topics (1) (Xmsg-sIm-Sp- n-cn- p hnj-b -fn H ns\- n Hcp ]g-s m v Fgp-Xp-I) 1. a\p-jys kz`mhw 2. HmWw 5). Write two synonyms of any two words (2) (Xmsg sImSp- n-cn- p ]Z- -fn GsX- nepw cs - - n\v c v ]cym-b-]Zw hoXw Fgp-Xp-I) i. icocw ii. ag iii. Xmac 6) Write a sentence about any two phrases given below: (2) (GsX- nepw c v ssien-I hmIy- n {]tbm-Kn- pI) i. `Koc-Y{]bXv\w ii. Pe-tcJ iii. Iodm-ap n SECTION B (40 marks) Attempt four questions from this section You must answer at least one question from each of the two books you have studied and any two other questions kmlnXy kpc`n IY-I SAHITHYSURBHI- STORIES Question 5 Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that follow- (Xmsg sImSp- n-cn- p ]mTy-`mKw hmbn- -Xn-\p-tijw HSp-hn tN n-cn- p tNmZy v D cw Fgp-Xp-I). Hcp Imf- n-Sm-hns\ hf- m\v In n m th n- m t - - - amS- n-ev- - Ipbn-e- m v- - amWn-Iy (e-fn-Xmw-_nI A P-\w) MANIKKAN (LALITHAMBIKA ANTHARJANAM) tNm-Zy- : i. bP-am\ B At] A\p-h-Zn- -sX- p-sIm v ii. bP-ams ho nembn-cp- -t m Imf- n-Sm-hns (2) Ah F m-bn-cp p (2) iii. Imf- n-Sm-hn\p \ Inb k mcw hnh-cn- pI (3) iv. B Imf- n-Smhv \jvS-s - -sX- s\? (3) 4 Question 6 Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that follow- (Xmsg sImSp- n-cn- p ]mTy-`mKw hmbn- -Xn-\p-tijw HSp-hn tN n-cn- p tNmZy v D cw Fgp-Xp-I). hcn-h-cn-bmbn \n p Im m-Sn-a-c- -fn H ns Nph- n-emWv Rm Ccn- p- Xv'' {]Imiw ]c- p s] Ip n (Sn. ] -\m-` ) PRAKASHAMPARATHUNNA PENKUTTY (T. PADMANABHAN) tNm-Zy- : i. AbmfpsS ap n ImW-s tIm -sb- n hnh-cn- p-I. (2) ii. Hm -sh- -Imew apX Abm-fpsS ioew F m-bn-cp p (2) iii. AhnsS hcp-t m Abm p- mIp A\p-`-h- F -s\-bm-bn-cp p? (3) Abm Hcp ]pXnb a\p-jy-\mbn amdnb kw`hw eLp-embn hnh-cn- p-I. (3) iv. Question 7 Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that follow- (Xmsg sImSp- n-cn- p ]mTy-`mKw hmbn- -Xn-\p-tijw HSp-hn tN n-cn- p tNmZy v D cw Fgp-Xp-I) ""Cbm Fs mcp {`m \m F p Nne ]d- p. h \n[nbpw In psa- p-h m ]mhw ]mSps]-Sp- Xv F v Nne '' DXp- ms InW (Imcq ) UTHUPPANTE KINAR (KAROOR) tNm-Zy- i. IpSpw-_-iq-\y-\mb DXp- m sNbvX {]h nbpw A\p-`-hn kt mjw hnh-cn- p-I. (3) ii. DXp- m-s\- n Ip w ]d- -h ]ns F mWv sNbvXXv? (2) iii. B InW \nI- m-Xn-cn- m th n DXp- m \S- nb {ia- hnh-cn- pI (2) iv. DXp- ms A yw hnh-cn- p-I. (3) 5 kmlnXy kpc`n Ihn-X-I SAHITHYSURBHI- POEMS Question 8 Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that follow- (Xmsg sImSp- n-cn- p ]mTy-`mKw hmbn- -Xn-\p-tijw HSp-hn tN n-cn- p tNmZy v D cw Fgp-Xp-I) Bcn-sX-dn- p-sIm-Sp p; btim-Z-X amdn-se- p-aWn amey-a-Xm- - - - I -`q-an-bpsS ]n p-Im (hf-f-t m ) KARMABHUMIYUDE PINJUKAL (VALLATHOL) .tNmZy i. I \Zn-bn ]Xn- -t m \Zo-am-Xm-hn-\p- mb hnIm-c- Ihn h n- p- -sX- s\? (3) ii. Imfn-bs hc-hns\ Ihn hnh-cn- p- -sX- s\? (2) iii. Imfn-bs Al- m-cs IrjvW XI p- -sX- s\? (3) iv. ""C s\ kwkm-c-\m-S-I-am-Sn-\m \ -h hmcp-W-cw-K- n- '' kwkmc \mSIw F {]tbm-K- ns HuNnXyw hniZ-am- pI (2) Question 9 Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that follow- (Xmsg sImSp- n-cn- p ]mTy-`mKw hmbn- -Xn-\p-tijw HSp-hn tN n-cn- p tNmZy v D cw Fgp-Xp-I) ""If-]-dn- mcn Ict t]msbmcp Ime- n-g-bpsS Iq m w'' ]p Iehpw Acn-hmfpw (C-S-t -cn) PUTHAN KALAVUM ARIVALUM (EDASSERY) tNm-Zy- i. tIm-a ]mS v hnX- -sX- s\? (2) ii. If-]-dn- mcn Ic-bm Imc-W-sa v? (3) iii. tIm-a\v tImcn- -cn v D m-bXv Ft m ? (2) iv. ""A[n-Imcw sIm -W-amZyw \mw AXn-\p-ta-em-Is s]m m-cy '' k `hpw Bibw hy -am- p-I. (3) 6 Question 10 Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that follow- (Xmsg sImSp- n-cn- p ]mTy-`mKw hmbn- -Xn-\p-tijw HSp-hn tN n-cn- p tNmZy v D cw Fgp-Xp-I) ""C\nbpw acn- m `qan \n m-k- arXn-bn \n\- m- -im n'' `qan-s mcp Nc-a-KoXw (H. F . hn. Ipdp- v) BHUMIKKORU CHARAMAGEETHAM (O.N. V. KURUPP) tNm-Zy- i. Ihn ap Iq n B -im n t\cp- -sX psIm v? (2) ii. A a -tfmSv F -s\-sb- m-amWv hm eyw ImWn- p- Xv? (3) iii. A bpsS a ]pXnb IY Fgp-Xp- -sX- s\? (3) iv. A kuc-a-WvU-e-s -cp-h-gn-bn-eqsS k -cn- p Nn{Xw hnh-cn- p-I. (2) a- -gn- p-g-bpsS Xoc- -fn t\mh NOVEL - MAYYAZHIPPUZHAYUDE THEERNGALIL (Fw. apIp- M. MUKUNTHAN) Question 11 Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that follow- (Xmsg sImSp- n-cn- p ]mTy-`mKw hmbn- -Xn-\p-tijw HSp-hn tN n-cn- p tNmZy v D cw Fgp-Xp-I) ""seko-en-kmbpw Ipd- n-b- bpw A s\ \m p-Im-cy- ]d- n-cp- p. Ah Hcp-an n-cp p s]mSn-h-en p'' tNm-Zy- i. .se- veo-km-bv ns thjhpw `mhhpw hni-Z-am- p-I. ii. At -l-t mSp Ipd- n-b Bh-iy-s - Xpw At -l- ns adp-]-Snbpw hni-Z-am- pI (2) (3) iii. BcpsS tcmK-s - - n-bmWv Ah kwkm-cn- Xv? (2) iv. aq kmbv ns _w m-hn-s\- p-dn v hnh-cn- p-I. (3) 7 Question 12 Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that follow- (Xmsg sImSp- n-cn- p ]mTy-`mKw hmbn- -Xn-\p-tijw HSp-hn tN n-cn- p tNmZy v D cw Fgp-Xp-I) ""Ipdn-b Ft m ]d v sIm v hcn-I-bm-Wv. s]s v an n Hm -I-fn kzbw \jvSs p'' tNm-Zy- i. an n Hm -I-fn apgp-In-b-sX- s\? (2) ii. an n-bpsS a -fpsS kz`m-h- Xmc-Xayw sN pI (3) iii. {]mb-]q n-bm-b-t m KkvtXms kz`m-h- n h am - F mWv? (2) iv. .se ven kmbvhns thZ-\bpw A yhpw hnh-cn- p-I. (3) Question 13 Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that follow- (Xmsg sImSp- n-cn- p ]mTy-`mKw hmbn- -Xn-\p-tijw HSp-hn tN n-cn- p tNmZy v D cw Fgp-Xp-I) ""kvIqfn t]mIm-\p-ff AS- m B{Klw Adn-hn\v th nbp-ff Ak-ly-amb Zmlw'' tNm-Zy- i. Zmk {]m -\-I-fn apgp-Ip- -sX- s\? (2) ii. Zmks B{Klw F m-bn-cp p? Ah\v e`n {]tNm-Z\w FhnsS \n m-bn-cp p? (3) iii. Zmks B{Klw AW-s]m- n-b-sX- s\? (3) iv. Ipd- n-b sIm p aI-s\- n B{K-ln- -sX v? (2) kmtIXw \mSIw Drama SAKETHAM (kn. F . {ioIWvT \mb (C.N. SREEKANDAN NAIR) Question 14 Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that follow- (Xmsg sImSp- n-cn- p ]mTy-`mKw hmbn- -Xn-\p-tijw HSp-hn tN n-cn- p tNmZy v D cw Fgp-Xp-I) ""Chn-S-amWv Atbm- y. C zm-Ip-hns hwi- n ]nd Zi-c-Y -- - ]t ZpxJw Zi-c-Y-\p-ap- mbn'' tNm-Zy- i. Atbm- y-bnse Ae- m-c- hnh-cn- pI ii. Atbm- ym-]-Xn-bpsS ZpxJw F m-bn-cp p? AXn\p Imc-W-amb im]IY Npcp- n-sb-gp- (2) XpI (3) iii. kc-bp-hn \mI-ku- cyw ho pw _nw_n- -sX- s\? (2) iv. kpa-{ Bcm-Wv. At lw kq{X-[m-c\p \ Ip D -c-hp-I Fs mw? (3) 8 Question 15 Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that follow- (Xmsg sImSp- n-cn- p ]mTy-`mKw hmbn- -Xn-\p-tijw HSp-hn tN n-cn- p tNmZy v D cw Fgp-Xp-I) ""cmPm Zi-c-Y\pw Hcp ]p s m-Snbpw X n-se p t`Zw- - - , {]nb-s ssItI-bo- - \mw Cu kXyw F s\ ]men pw?'' tNm-Zy- i. Chn-sS- -d-bp kXyw F mWv? AXp-]m-en- m Zi-c-Y\p Ign-bm- -sX- p-sIm v? (2) ii. Zi-c-Ys \Sp- hpw ssItI-bn-sb- - n-bp-ff hna i-\hpw hnh-cn- p-I. (3) iii. Zi-c-Ys\ ]p s m-Sn-bp-ambn Xmc-Xayw sNbvX-Xns HuNnXyw F v? (2) iv. Atbm- y-bn A v Bcpw Dd- n-bn F p ]d-bm Imc-a-sa v? (3) Question 16 Read the extract given below and answer in Malayalam the questions that follow- (Xmsg sImSp- n-cn- p ]mTy-`mKw hmbn- -Xn-\p-tijw HSp-hn tN n-cn- p tNmZy v D cw Fgp-Xp-I) koX hn[n AXns \nb-X-amb ]mX-bn qSn Ncn- p-I-bm-Wv. hnjm-Zn- m F p-^ew? tNm-Zy- i. X\n p hnjm-Z-an-s v cma ]d-bp- -sX- p-sIm v? (3) ii. X\n p ImSv kz -am-bn-cn- p-sa p koX ]d-bp- -sX- p-sIm v? (2) iii. cma-\n-s - n \mSv ImSm-Ip-sa p koX Icp-Xp- -sX- p-sIm v (3) iv. e va-Ws Xocp-am\ Fs mw? (2) *************** 9

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