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ICSE Prelims 2018 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (St. Josephs College (SJC), Allahabad)

2 pages, 29 questions, 12 questions with responses, 12 total responses,    2    0
Abhigyan Shanker
St. Joseph's College (SJC), Prayagraj / Allahabad
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LITERATURE IN ENGLISH ENGLISH PaPer - 2 (Two hours) Ansvrets lo You The tine lhis Pctper nusl he written on the puper provided separotely' ttill not he ullovetl lo wrile during the first 15 minutes' This rinte i.\ to bc spent in reuding the queslion paper' git en at rhe heul o.l' this paper is the time allowed for writing the utswer* Allenpt onlylive qtteslions in all. I-olI lltst (.ttlempl (It leTsl one queslion -from each ofthe Seclions A, B und C ancl not more than two other (lltestions fron? the sane books you hate alreudy cornpulsorily chosen. Theintendedmarksforquestionsorptirlsofclue,sliott,suregivettinhruckets[]. SECTION A _ DRAMA tHE MERCHANT OF VENICf - SH,{KESPEARE QUESTION I [ead the ertract gir en belou and ans\Yer the questions that follovt Salarino: i) ii) iii) ll'hot homt a w'ind too gred at sea ntight do. I should ttot see the sands' hour-glass run' 9ut I shoulrl think of sltallows and ofJlats: .1nd see mr teakhy Andre*' dock'd in sand, l'aiting her high- top lower than her rihs To hiss her buriul. \dhere does the scene take place? Name the people present there. \\'hat would the wind cooling the broth t3l remind Salarino oll to? ships Antonio's compare What does wealthy Andrew refer to? Eailier in the scene, what does Salarino I3l grass plucking the would he be Why ventures abroad? business had if he be attention Where would Salanio's and what else would he be doing in that iv) : -l[v wind, cooling my broth, ll Ltuld hluv' nte tt, an ogue, when I thouglit Does Antonio's mood have anlthing contert? 1s ip sith his rnerclrandise? t3] What explanation does he give Salarino? t3l Explain: Vaiting her high top lower than her ribs To kiss her birial. State two reasons rvhy this scene is important to the QUESTION 2 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: v) play. t4] 'Tis well you offer it behind her back; The wistt would make else an unquiet house. These be the Christion husbands! I have a daughter, Shylock: ll/oultl any of the slock of Barrabas Had been her husbund rather than a Christian! - [Aside] lAe tifle time; I pru)' tlrce' purcae sentence. in her comment' Where is Nerissa at present? Why has she conre to this place? Bring out the dramatic irony Nerissa: i) ii) iii) t3l husbands just [n what tone does Shylock exclaim 'These be the Christian husbandsl'? What had the Christian t3l said to prompt the above Justifo Christians. for feelings Who is Banabas? Shylock's preference to Barrabas over a Christian indicates his exclamation? t3l .seitence' did Shylock impatiently \\ant to pursue? Why could he not cany it out though it was ilr his What t3l favour'l 'rnercy' 'mercy'? did the What of , in need Down, tlrerefore, and beg mercy of the DaAa' .Why^was Shylock t4l Duke and Anio,io show hiin? What are your teelings for Shylock at this time? his iv) v) feelings. D\ r: r't vDal I')

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