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ICSE Class X Board Exam 2024 : Computer Applications

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Aarush Mittal
Anand Niketan, Ahmedabad
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COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Maximum Marks: 100 Time allowed: Two hours Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. This Paper is divided into two Sections. Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets[ ]. SECTION A (40 Marks) (Attempt all questions from this Section.) Question 1 [20] Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the questions, write the correct answers only.) (i) Consider the above picture and choose the correct statement from the following: (a) Polygon is the object and the pictures are classes (b) Both polygon and the pictures are classes (c) Polygon is the class and the pictures are objects (d) Both polygon and the pictures are objects T24 861 Copyright reserved. This paper consists of 11 printed pages and 1 blank page. Turn Over (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) T24 861 int x = 98; char ch = (char)x; what is the value in ch? (a) b (b) A (c) B (d) 97 The output of the statement "CONCENTRATION".indexOf('T') is: (a) 9 (b) 7 (c) 6 (d) (-1) The access specifier that gives least accessibility is: (a) package (b) public (c) protected (d) private The output of the statement "talent".compareTo("genius") is: (a) 11 (b) 11 (c) 0 (d) 13 Which of the following is an escape sequence character in Java? (a) /n (b) \t (c) /t (d) //n 2 (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) if (a>b&&b>c) then largest number is: (a) b (b) c (c) a (d) wrong expression What is the output of Math.ceil(5.4)+Math.ceil(4.5)? (a) 10.0 (b) 11.0 (c) 12.0 (d) 9.0 What is the method to check whether a character is a letter or digit? (a) isDigit(char) (b) isLetterOrDigit() (c) isLetterOrDigit(char) (d) isLETTERorDIGIT(char) The extension of a Java source code file is: (a) exe (b) obj (c) jvm (d) java The number of bytes occupied by a character array of four rows and three columns are: T24 861 (a) 12 (b) 24 (c) 96 (d) 48 3 Turn Over (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) Which of the following data type cannot be used with switch case construct? (a) int (b) char (c) String (d) double Which of the following are entry controlled loops? 1. for 2. while 3. do..while 4. switch (a) only 1 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 3 and 4 Method which reverses a given number is: (a) Impure method (b) Pure method (c) Constructor (d) Destructor If the name of the class is Yellow , what can be the possible name for its constructors? T24 861 (a) yellow (b) YELLOW (c) Yell (d) Yellow 4 (xvi) (xvii) (xviii) Invoking a method by passing the objects of a class is termed as: (a) Call by reference (b) Call by value (c) Call by method (d) Call by constructor The correct statement to create an object named mango of class fruit: (a) Fruit Mango= new fruit(); (b) fruit mango = new fruit(); (c) Mango fruit=new Mango(); (d) fruit mango= new mango(); Assertion (A): Static method can access static and instance variables. Reason (R): (xix) Static variable can be accessed only by static method. (a) Assertion and Reason both are correct. (b) Assertion is true and Reason is false. (c) Assertion is false and Reason is true. (d) Assertion and Reason both are false. What is the output of the Java code given below? String color [ ] = {"Blue", "Red", "Violet"}; System.out.println(color[2].length()); T24 861 (a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 3 (d) 2 5 Turn Over (xx) Which of the following mathematical methods returns only an integer? (a) Math.ceil(n) (b) Math.sqrt(n) (c) Math.floor(n) (d) Math.round(n) Question 2 (i) Write Java expression for: [2] | + | (ii) 2 + 2 Evaluate the expression when x is 4: [2] x + = x + + * + + x % 2; (iii) Rewrite the following do while program segment using for: [2] x = 10; y = 20; do { x++; y++; } while (x<=20); System.out.println(x * y ); (iv) Give the output of the following program segment. How many times is the loop executed? for(x=10; x>20;x++) System.out.println(x); System.out.println(x*2); T24 861 6 [2] (v) String s1 = "45.50"; String s2 = "54.50"; [2] double d1=Double.parseDouble(s1); double d2=Double.parseDouble(s2); int x= (int)(d1+d2); What is value of x? (vi) Consider the following two-dimensional array and answer the questions given [2] below: int x[ ][ ] = {{4,3,2}, {7,8,2}, {8, 3,10}, {1, 2, 9}}; (a) What is the order of the array? (b) What is the value of x[0][0]+x[2][2]? (vii) Differentiate between boxing and unboxing. [2] (viii) The following code to compare two strings is compiled, the following syntax [2] error was displayed incompatible types int cannot be converted to boolean. Identify the statement which has the error and write the correct statement. Give the output of the program segment. void calculate() { String a = "KING", b = "KINGDOM"; boolean x = a.compareTo(b); System.out.println(x); } (ix) Consider the given program and answer the questions given below: [2] class temp { int a; temp() T24 861 7 Turn Over { a=10; } temp(int z) { a=z; } void print() { System.out.println(a); } void main() { temp t = new temp(); temp x = new temp(30); t.print(); x.print(); } } (a) What concept of OOPs is depicted in the above program with two constructors? (b) What is the output of the method main()? (x) Primitive data types are built in data types which are a part of the wrapper classes. These wrapper classes are encapsulated in the java.lang package. Non primitive datatypes like Scanner class are a part of the utility package for which an object needs to be created. T24 861 (a) To which package the Character and Boolean classes belong? (b) Write the statement to access the Scanner class in the program. 8 [2] SECTION B (60 Marks) (Answer any four questions from this Section.) The answers in this section should consist of the programs in either BlueJ environment or any program environment with Java as the base. Each program should be written using variable description / mnemonic codes so that the logic of the program is clearly depicted. Flowcharts and algorithms are not required. Question 3 [15] DTDC a courier company charges for the courier based on the weight of the parcel. Define a class with the following specifications: class name: courier Member variables: name name of the customer weight weight of the parcel in kilograms address address of the recipient bill amount to be paid type D - domestic, I - international Member methods: void accept ( ) to accept the details using the methods of the Scanner class only. void calculate ( ) to calculate the bill as per the following criteria: Weight in Kgs Rate per Kg First 5 Kgs Rs.800 Next 5 Kgs Rs.700 Above 10 Kgs Rs.500 An additional amount of Rs.1500 is charged if the type of the courier is I (International) void print ( ) To print the details void main ( ) to create an object of the class and invoke the methods T24 861 9 Turn Over Question 4 [15] Define a class to overload the method perform as follows: double perform (double r, double h) to calculate and return the value of Curved surface area of cone = void perform (int r, int c) = 2 + 2 Use NESTED FOR LOOP to generate the following format r = 4, c = 5 output 12345 12345 12345 12345 void perform (int m, int n, char ch) to print the quotient of the division of m and n if ch is Q else print the remainder of the division of m and n if ch is R Question 5 [15] Define a class to accept a number from user and check if it is an EvenPal number or not. (The number is said to be EvenPal number when number is palindrome number (a number is palindrome if it is equal to its reverse) and sum of its digits is an even number.) Example: 121 is a palindrome number Sum of the digits 1+2+1 = 4 which is an even number Question 6 [15] Define a class to accept values into an integer array of order 4 x 4 and check whether it is a DIAGONAL array or not. An array is DIAGONAL if the sum of the left diagonal elements equals the sum of the right diagonal elements. Print the appropriate message. Example: 3 4 2 5 Sum of the left diagonal elements = 2 5 2 3 3 + 5 + 2 + 1 = 11 5 3 2 7 Sum of the right diagonal elements = 1 3 7 1 5 + 2 + 3 + 1 = 11 T24 861 10 Question 7 [15] Define a class pin code and store the given pin codes in a single dimensional array. Sort these pin codes in ascending order using the Selection Sort technique only. Display the sorted array. 110061, 110001, 110029, 110023, 110055, 110006, 110019, 110033 Question 8 [15] Define a class to accept the gmail id and check for its validity. A gmail id is valid only if it has: @ . (dot) gmail com Example: is a valid gmail id. T24 861 11

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